Warsaw Breakfast Optimist Club, September 9, 2024

Presiding – Charlie Wagner
Attendance – 70
Greeters – Susan and John Armacost
Invocation – Layne Sumner

Joel Wihebrink!
Birthdays – Joel Wihebrink & Rich Haddad
Announcements –
- Golf Outing, September 10, 2024
- Fall Displays, fifty sold so far, our goal is two hundred!
- End of year Celebration, September 25, 2024
- There has been an update to the Optimist By-Laws, see Charlie for details

new member today
Membership – Joe Schultz inducted today

50/50 – $37 to Ron Chambers
Sergeants – People were asked who worked the most hours in a week. One member had worked 148 hours during a week.
Program – Kevin Haines, Shared with the Club about “Aging in Place”. Aging in place is the ability to live in your own home and community as you age, while remaining independent and comfortable. It’s a conscious choice to stay in your home for as long as possible, rather than moving to a nursing home or assisted living facility.
Aging in place requires careful planning and consideration, as older adults and their families may have concerns about safety, getting around, and other daily activities. Some ways to help with aging in place include:
- Connecting with loved ones: Staying in touch with family and friends through video calls or in-person visits
- Hosting celebrations: Having family and friends over for birthdays and other special occasions
- Getting a pet: Research suggests that pets can help with feelings of loneliness and stress
In some cases, moving may be a better option, especially if safety modifications aren’t possible or cost effective. For example, if you live in a building without an elevator or a large home that would be difficult to maintain, moving may be a better choice.
Did you Know – 253 is the strongest wind ever recorded
Next Week’s Program – Peer Recovery Coaches, Bowen Center, Mike Murphy & Jessica Mikesell