Warsaw Breakfast Optimist Club December 4, 2024
Presiding – Paul Finley
Attendance – 55
Greeters – Rick Swaim & David Byers.
Guests – none
Birthdays– Jim Hayes Thursday, Dec. 5, Rick Swaim Thursday, Dec. 5, Troy Tom Sunday, Dec. 1.
- Santa House Reminder – starting this week, Friday December 6th.
- Salvation Army Bell Ringing– Dec. 21st David Byers will remind everyone one week before via text. Please respond.
- White Elephant Auction – January 8th.
- Door Greeters – Layne Sumner announces to sign up for being a door greeter, very important part of our club.
50/50– Kris Farwell/Ann Sweet, George Brennan wins $36.
Sergeant(s)– Jeff Owens and ROTC, raised $46.
The Star of the Club gets her picture taken with all the members.
Program– Kosciusko County Community Foundation – Stephanie Overbey
This is now a little dated, but Did you know that the Twitter Bird has a name: It’s Larry! The infamous bluebird of social media was named after former NBA player Larry Bird, who used to play for Twitter co-founder Biz Stone’s home-state team, the Boston Celtics.