Warsaw Breakfast Optimist Club, December 18, 2024
Presiding – Paul Finley
Attendance – 58
Greeters – Bruce Hansen
Guests – Judy Servies, Diana Maierle, Jennifer Nave
Birthdays– Todd Davis Friday, Dec. 20, Tim Hamann Saturday, Dec. 21, Jim Kessler Saturday, Dec. 21, Kevin Weaver Tuesday, Dec. 17.
- Santa House Reminder – Thank you/Center Lake
- Salvation Army Bell Ringing–Dec. 21st–David Byers
- No Club Meetings on Dec. 25 or Jan. 1st
- White Elephant Auction – January 8th
1. Bill Landrigan – Auctioneer
2. Want to be well attended
3. Bring your White Elephant Gifts
4. Bring a truckload of cash!
Sergeant(s)– Jeff Owens and ROTC
Battle of Balance: Two men, one book, endless laughs. Who will reign as the ultimate book-balancing champion? 📚🤣
Program – Optimist Singers led by Daren Maierle
Did you Know? Mistletoe isn’t as sweet as it sounds. Mistle thrush birds eat the plant’s berries, digest the seed and then help the plant germinate with their droppings. The Germanic word for mistletoe literally means “dung on a twig.” Really makes you want to pucker up, doesn’t it? 😂
● Don’t be a Mistle Thrush – clean your tables/See you January 8th!