Wednesday, September 6, 2017

 Wednesday, September 6, 2017

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September 6, 2017 

Attendance: 94

Invocation: Jim Smith

Greeters: Ron Chambers, Ron Henry

Guests:  Tracy Fitzgerald (Jeff Owens); Paula Deming, Kristopher Williams (Mike Cusack); Olivia and Blaze with the Grace College Lancers (Randy Polston)

Birthdays:  Joel Wihebrink, Rich Haddad

Check Presentation: To Lilly Center for Lakes and Streams, by Steve Hollar

Membership: (Brooke Hamstra)

2nd reading:Paula Deming, Kristopher Williams

3rd reading: Tracy Fitzgerald

Program:  Trucking Industry by Dan Metzger. Dan said this is the 75th anniversary for their family owned business Metzger Trucking! His dad Mike is the CEO, chaplain and “wheeler-dealer” and there are four other siblings in the business. He spoke about burdensome regulations and difficulty finding good employees as challenges in the business.They have 40 trucks, 100 trailers and 1000 tires at $4oo/tire, and spend $51,000/week on fuel.

Committee Reports/Announcements: 1) Ron Chambers described club visitation, which was in Middlebury on September 1. Seven members had a great time! 2) Gina Voelz announced Art in the Park, September 23 from 10 to 1, please sign up!  3) Ann Sweet said the money collected for World Compassion Network last week was greatly appreciated. They put together 600 personal hygiene kits and are putting together flood buckets this week. They will also be working on Hurricane Irma. 3) Bill Landrigan announced the Right to Life Banquet coming up September 25 at the Manahan Orthopedic Capital Center on Grace College Campus. Bill and Coach Kessler have tables, and Joe Wilkey has two extra tickets. 4) Tracy Fitzgerald announced National Truck Driver Appreciation Week coming up-September 10-16.

CEO Report: Adam Heckaman (Travis McConnell)

50/50: Gary Tanner won! (Kris Farwell)

Sergeants-at-arms: Travis McConnell & Juergen Voss entertained us.

Quote(by Rick Kerlin): Optimism is a happiness magnet; if you stay positive good things and good people will be drawn to you.

Next week’s program is Junior Achievement.

Thank you and have an Optimist week!