Wednesday, September 28, 2016
September 28, 2016
Upcoming Programs:
5-Thrivent Financial/Cheryl Avery
12-Just Serve/Tressa Nichols
19-LifeTouch Ministries/Stefanie Essick
26-Ghost Tours/Greg Steffe
2-Beaman Home/Tabatha Gabbard
9-Veterans Day Program/Optimist Singers
16-Trine University/Alli Finch
23-Cake Auction
30-John Sullivan’s Musical Talents
7-Big Brothers Big Sisters/Kate O’Connor
14-Polywood/Sharon Doan
21-Christmas Carols/Optimist Singers
28-White Elephant Auction
President, Trace Hansen, called our meeting to order at @ 7:00am.
Invocation by: Ron Henry.
Greeters: Rick Swam.
100 Members & Guests:
- Chris Mahan-guest of Brooke Hamstra.
- Joey Hickerson-guest of Joel Wihebrink.
- Dana Lawrence-guest and daughter of Charlie Hollar.
- Matthew Townsend-guest of Travis McConnell.
- Stu Wysong-guest of John Elliot
Birthdays: Mitch Goon, Noel Hoke and Dave Turner. Happy Birthday!
Pam Galloway and conducted:
2nd Reading for:
- Matthew Townsend-sponsored by Travis McConnell.
3rd Reading for:
- Chris Mahan-sponsored by Brooke Hamstra.
Everett Nifong inducted:
- Stu Wyson who was sponsored by John Elliott. Welcome to the club Stu!
Program: Trace Hansen presented the President’s Program this morning. He recognized and thanked all the members who help make our club great! Ron Donkers swore in our new Officers and Board Members. There was a candle lit in honor of our brother and friend, Tony Elliott, during the meeting that was extinguished by Art Gakstatter who sponsored him. Please read the following that Trace posted to our club website: From our Outgoing President
August Member of the Month: Brian Brauchla. Congratulations!
September Member of the Month: Rick Swam. Way to go!
Committee Reports/Announcements:
- Gina Voelz announced that Art In The Park was a huge success and recognized all the members who helped volunteer!
- Jen Kerns announced that the YAP Clothing Drive ends today, please drop off your professional clothes to the Chamber!
- Optimist Singers will be performing on Thursday, September 29th at the MOCC at 7pm along with about 1,000 performers to celebrate the Bicentennial.
Check Presentation: Andy Swihart, Doug Baumgardner, Michele Bickel, Brooke Hamstra and Trina Hoy presented a check in the amount of $26,305 which represents the total amount of grants given out to the Youth in our Community this past year.
CEO Report: Jen Kerns announced Gina Voelz this week.
50/50: Kris Farwell won this week and donated it all back to club! What a guy!
Sergeants-at-arms: Joel Wihebrink, Robert Bishop and Tim Hamman entertained us.
- Next Week: Thrivent Financial/Cheryl Avery.
- Thank You Guests & Members.
- Clean your tables.
Quote: “You can’t calm the storm, so stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself, the storm will pass.” “When you focus on problems, you will have more problems. When you focus on possibilities, you’ll have more opportunities.” -Unknown.
Trace Hansen passed the gavel to Tony Ciriello, our new Optimist President, who closed the meeting.
Thanks and have an Optimist Week!