September 27, 2017
Attendance: 100
Invocation: Ron Henry
Greeters: Andrew O’Connell, George Brennan
Guests: Trevor Ross brought his daughter Grace, Trace Hansen brought his daughter Ella, and Don Kenipe brought his oldest daughter Barbara from Ohio
Birthdays: Dave Turner, Andrew O’Connell
Membership: None
Induction: None
Program: Outgoing President Tony Ciriello thanked multiple members for their help and handed out awards. He thanked Marty Becker for helping with music, John Kirkpatrick for organizing the greeters, Ron Henry for invocation, Rick Kerlin for Optimist shirts, the chairmen of each event committee, Trina Hoy for photos and Power Point, the Board (Jeff Owens was a “challenge”), Rick Swaim as program Chair, Brooke Hamstra for membership, Kris Farwell for 50/50, Ot Schroeder for Octagon Club and Jim Hayes for Power Point set-up and taking care of speakers. He said we had a good year fund raising and raised over $35,000. Awards included Chris Mahan for Rookie of the Year, Ann Sweet for Pillar of the Community and Michele Bickel for Optimist of the Year.
Brooke Hamstra handed out a certificate for each member who has sponsored a member this past year. She said we have a surplus of nine members this past year, after 24 joined and 15 dropped out for various reasons. New members and their sponsors (in parentheses) in include Jeff Rocket (Michele Bickel), Paula Deming, Kris Williams (Mike Cusick), Michelle Stavrou, David Grant (Erika Elliott), Simon Stone (David Haines), Katie Wonderly (Trina Hoy), Lisa Mahan (Chris Mahan). Matthew Townsend, Erika Elliott, Helen Berry (Travis McConnell), Annette Hammond (David Meier), Brent Mock (Max Mock), Michael Doub (Everett Nifong), Tracy Fitzgerald, Carol Ousley (Jeff Owens), Dirk Sommers (George Paton), Matt Ralston (Scott Reust), Brittany Petersen (Ot Schroeder), Kevin Harter (Jim Smith), Henry Church (Juergen Voss), and Joey Hickerson (Joel Wihebrink).
Committee Reports/Announcements: 1) Gina Voelz thanked those who helped out at Art in the Park last Saturday. 2) Art Gakstetter talked about the upcoming Oktoberfest and Porsche Festival in Winona Lake October 7. Details are at or contact Art. 3) Bill Landrigan said the Right to Life Banquet Monday was a great success, with good representation from the Optimists, and $101,000 raised so far. 4) Chris Mahan announced Oratorical Contest will be January 28, 2018 at 2pm on the Grace College campus. The theme is “”Where are the roots of my optimism?” 5)Rick Kerlin is working on the coat drive for Combined Community Services. Their goal is to collect 20,000 coats. Please donate and you can drop the coats off at the radio station downtown or Tractor Supply Company. 5) Jeff Rocket, Ron Henry and Tim Hamann showed off their socks!
Special Announcement: Incoming President Steve Hollar gave Outgoing President Tony Ciriello a Make America Great Again hat (since he can’t make the Optimists great again) and thanked him for his service. President Ciriello handed the gavel over to Steve Hollar.
50/50 (Kris Farwell): Dave Turner won!
Sergeants-at-arms: Juergen Voss and Jim Smith entertained us.
Next week’s program will be a presentation by State Senator Ryan Mishler (R-Bremen) about what’s going on at the Statehouse.
Don’t forget to attend the Regional Meeting in Warsaw Saturday October 21!
Thank you and have an Optimist week!