Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Upcoming Events:
9/30-President’s Program
10/14-WPD Citizens Police Academy
10/21-Kosciusko Cares/Tammy Cotton
10/28-Oregon Trails Experience/Randy Polston
President Rick Kerlin led our meeting.
90 Optimists & guests:
- Missy Mitchell-guest of Tony Ciriello.
- Jim Smith-guest and check recipient today.
- Jo Faulkner-guest of Josh Gordon.
Door Greeters: Mike Cox and Art Gakstatter.
Prayer: Ken Anderson.
Pledge was given to the American flag.
Promise yourself was said in unison.
Hail to Optimism was sung in unison.
Birthday Honorees: Happy Birthday to Gina Voelz and Carol Presley Ously!
Check Presentation:
Art Gakstatter presented a check to Jim Smith from the FOP Kosciusko County Lodge #149 in the amount of $200 from the club.
Michele Bickel presented a check to Trina Hoy from Big Brothers/Big Sisters in the amount of $500 to help sponsor a motivational speaker.
Committee Reports:
- Gina Voelz announced Art In The Park new date is Saturday, September 26th. It will be from 9-11am and there will be elementary teachers doing different art projects for the kids to join in and do. Please come out and help make this a success, contact Gina if you can help.
- Family Safety Day was on September 12th and we helped register 84 children.
- Ot Schroeder announced that the Octogan club is still collecting orders for their Fall displays. Contact Ot if you or your company is interested.
Mike Cox conducted:
- 1st Reading:
- Jill Boggs-sponsored by John Elliot.
CEO Report:
Jennifer Pyle announced-Millie Andrews.
Member since-April 1, 2000.
Spouse-Denny Andrews.
Anniversary-Feb. 14, 1996.
Children-1 son and 2 daughters.
Grandchildren-5 grand daughters and 3 great-grandchildren.
Pets-Maggie, a rescued English Bulldog.
City of residence-Etna Green for 4 years.
Occupation-Retired elementary teacher-38 years at Washington Elementary, which was the same school she attended as a child.
Hobbies-Music, knitting, sewing.
Burning Desire-To go to Hawaii.
Key to Success-Determination and hard work.
Honors-Rookie of the Year.
Something nobody know-Charlie Hollar was the first boy to see her naked and he says he doesn’t remember it!
Favorite Optimist Memory-the fellowship enjoyed while working with other Optimists on club projects. Thank you so much Millie! We appreciate your efforts and ALL you do for the club!
- Indiana Bicentennial will be next year. They are looking for torch bearers to carry the torch. The person nominated should show public service, achievement, acts of herosim, and volunteer service within the community. Please let Rick Kerlin know if you have a nomination for this role. It would be great to have a Warsaw Breakfast Optimist involved for this!
- 10th District Meeting in Kokomo, IN.
Sheriff’s Report:
50/50: Jim Reeves was today’s winner!
Videos: None today.
Sergeants-at-Arms: Jeff, Bob and Steve were all back to entertain us this morning:
- $1 Fine:
- Jim Reeve was an out of control driver.
- Fred Nieter’s joke.
- Joel Wihebrink was fined for his impersonation of a sergeant.
- Sergeants gave $1 back to Trace and Joel for making them look good.
- Jerry Clevenger for weeds in front of his sign.
- 5 Questions:
- Harry Gigous (Fall)
- Official name for Fall? = Fall.
- Equinox? = equal day/equal night.
- What day does fall usually fall on? = 22nd, 23rd.
- Have you ever burned leaves? = Yes.
- Favorite memory in the fall? Burning leaves.
- Harry Gigous (Fall)
- $Optimistic $1:
- Patty and Ron Donkers are first time grandparents.
- Bill Crane received Mary Louise.
- Dave Turner announced his 13th
- Akash Jain said his daughter’s sweater sales are now funded by NHS.
Our very own club member, Joe Wilkey presented this morning on CERT Disaster. Thank you for sharing Joe!
- Invite a Guest.
- Clean up tables.
Next Week’s Program: Year End Awards Program.
Next Week’s guests:
Quote: “Optimism doesn’t wait for facts. It deals with prospects. Pessimism is a waste of time.” -Norman Cousins.
Have a safe and very Optimist Week!
* A very special thanks to Jennifer Pyle for taking notes this week in Brooke Hamstra’s absence. Thank you Jen! *