Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Future Dates
09/28 Legacy of Life Banquet
9/30 no meeting
9/30 Optimist Singers practice @ Byer Music Building
10/3 Our Awards Banq. @ CE Center
64 Optimists & 1 guest attended our meeting: Milt Haworth was the guest of Henry Church. Door Greeters: Ed Nordstrom. Prayer was offered by Dr. David Haines. Pledge was given to the American Flag. Promise yourself was said in unison.
Prayer List:
Bill Hilliard is in a trial program in South Bend. He is treated 3 days on followed by 3 weeks off. He goes in 9/21. Daniel Elliott is starting a good plan by a world leader in melanoma treatment. He is having some issues with muscle recovery in his arm. He is back to work part-time. Gene Groninger’s wife Maxine is in the hospital. They are waiting for test results.
Membership: Past Gov. Ron Donkers inducted Tom Kline who is sponsored by Jon Lippe.
Safe Assured ID: Trace Hansen thanked those who helped last Saturday at the Family Safety Day at Cen-ter Lake. Trace reported 103 enrollments on Sept 19. Trace recognized Everett Nifong for his hours of data entry for Safe Assured. Trace said going forward the events will need more help. If we all take our turn, the work can get done.
Martin Becker recognized Ed Nordstom for calming a distraught child during the Family Safety Day Safe Assured ID enrollment. Ed had the presence of mind to sing folk music to the child. She calmed right down.
Pres. Jim Reeve announced our awards banquet will be Oct 3rd at 6:30pm at the CE Center. Cost is $13 per person. Penguin Point will cater a delicious meal.
Because of the awards banquet there will be no meeting Sept. 30.
Martin Becker announced the Optimist Singers will practice at the Byer Music Building on Wooster Road at 6am on 9/30.
Tammy Keirn reminded us Housing Opportunities of Warsaw is raffling off a house on 12/19/09. Tick-ets are $100. Proceeds will be used for housing re-pairs for local residents. Go to
Our last Hootenanny was the best Scandinavian jokes. Last week we raised $44. Today we raised $32.99 as Jim Nesbitt won over Fred Nieter, Ron Donkers, Denny Andrews, & Merl Heckaman. This year our Hootenannies raised over $1,000.
Ot Schroeder recognized Treasurer Jennifer Dorman’s line marking abilities at a recent Tri Star district event.
Bill Landrigan invited all to the Legacy of Life Ban-quet at 6pm on Sept 28 at the Orthopedic Capital Center at Grace. Tickets are $20 per person. The 40 Day of Life prayer chain started today.
Our President Jim Reeve is our District Lieutenant Governor this coming year.
Sergeant-at-Arms: Patty Donkers entertained us with questions of safety. Ron Chambers is happy he is still beating Patty in cards. John Teevan is happy 100 students at Michigan City prison are starting classes. Angie Tom is happy that Dr. Jason Rich found a situation to treat in her son’s eye, ensuring his good vision. Trace Hansen is happy to meet an-other Washington fan in Milt Haworth. Bill Landrigan is happy his granddaughter Kirstin Quick beat her personal record in cross country. Our Sergeant-at-Arms raised over $1000 this year for our scholarship fund.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Dillon Ritter – Army – Iraq
Pres Jim Reeve honored many of our officers, board members, & standing committee members with plaques and recognized those with perfect atten-dance.