Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Future Dates
9/29 Awards Banquet—no meeting
10/6 Brad Bishop—Orthoworx
10/13 Kris Bex—Remnant Trust
10/15 Optimist Singers @Taste&Trade
10/16 Safe Assured ID @Taste& Trade
10/20 Mark Dobson—Ch of Commerce
10/27 Dr. Ron Manahan—Grace Col-
81 Optimists & 10 guests attended our meeting: Shyloh Hoy, Tammy Allen, & Tyler Miller guests of Trina Hoy; Chad Zaucha guest of John Elliott; Doug-las Jones guest of George Brennan; Cynthia Aleman guest of Sam Whitaker; Joella Smyth guest of Ot Schroeder; Jim Bricker guest of Lecia Derrossett; Chuck Kane guest of John Burtoft; & Brian Peterson guest of Tracy Furnival. Door Greeters: Scott Whitaker & Tony Ciriello. Prayer was offered by Max Mock. Pledge was given to the American Flag. Promise yourself was said in unison. Mystery Per-son: Bart Templeton reported 14 people shook his hand.
Prayer List: Rick Kerlin’s daughter’s continued re-covery from heart surgery.
Membership: Past Pres. Max Mock inducted Hugh Eagan. Everett Nifong read the 3rd reading for Chad Zaucha & Tyler Miller & Doug Jones’s 2nd reading & Josie McGrew’s 1st reading. Sponsors are Sam Whitaker for Hugh, John Elliott for Chad, Trina Hoy for Tyler, George Brennan for Doug, & Dr. David Haines for Josie.
Sherriff Bill Landrigan has been very successful get-ting us here this year. We have had many weeks with over 80 & several with over 90 of us in attendance.
Safe Assured ID: Trace Hansen reported our next event is 10/16 at the Taste & Trade Expo at Grace’s Orthopaedic Capital Center.
Our Optimist Singers will sing at 6:30pm, 10/15 at the Taste & Trade Expo at Grace’s Orthopaedic Capi-tal Center.
Tracy Horrell reported 160 to 170 kids participated in our Art in the Park event last Saturday.
President Sam Whitaker reported we will not have a morning meeting 9/29 since our awards banquet will be 6:30pm that night at Stonehenge. Our Optimist Singers will entertain us. Cost is $15 per person.
Pres. Sam Whitaker reminded us we will vote on our bylaws at our 10/6 meeting. Also we need to pay our dues to cover our non-charity expenses.
Newsletter: If you currently get this newsletter by mail & do not mind receiving it by email, please let Craig Nayrocker know. Thank you for saving us postage!
President Sam Whitaker read each of our years of perfect attendance.
Lt. Gov. Jim Reeve sold popcorn for Boy Scouts.
Cynthia Aleman from Big Brothers & Big Sisters asked us to consider buying ads in their calendar.
Sergeant-at-Arms: John Barrett, Lyle Enyeart, Merl Heckaman, & Jay Tate collected happy dollars from us. Bill Landrigan raised $868 for the Cub Scouts at their auction. Craig Nayrocker is celebrating his daughter’s wedding. Jim Hayes is celebrating his mother’s clean bill of health. She is cancer free! Bart Templeton reported that since the recession is over, we can come out & buy cars. John Barrett no-ticed our familiarity with the Tea Party. Jim Hayes showed us 2 videos one of a fisherman’s dilemma. The other was inspirational about trying again and again to finish strong. Jerry Clevenger won $33 in our 50/50.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Brad Andrews – Border Patrol
Program: Ot Schroeder, Tracy Furnival, John Teevan, George Brennan, Troy Akers, & Joella Smyth showed us our local high school drop out pre-vention program. We now have a 78% graduation rate. We have a 2 pronged approach. First we have high school graduation coaches. Second we have & need mentors for kindergarten through 8th grade students. Mentors spend 1 hour per week with their student. Call Baker Youth Club at 267-8771 for more information.