Wednesday, September 20, 2017

 Wednesday, September 20, 2017

ATTENTION MEMBERS: It is critically important that we all attend the Regional Meeting Saturday, October 21 in  Warsaw. The Optimist International president will be in attendance. Let’s show him what a fun club we are!  

September 20, 2017 

Attendance: 95

Invocation: Doug Ogle

Greeters: Bob Ibach, Brittany Petersen

Guests:   Joni Zook (Brooke Hamstra), Doug Meltzer (Harry Gigous)

Birthdays:  Bob Jackson, Tony Ciriello, James Lancaster, Gina Voelz

Membership: None

Induction: Kris Williams and Paula Deming (Mike Cusack) by Tracy Furnivall

Program:  Matt Mayer, Conservation Officer with the Indiana DNR, spoke about the Hunter Education Program. This is a free program funded by a federal grant, and offered in spring prior to turkey season and fall prior to deer season.One of the main goals of the program is to teach youth to be comfortable around police officers.

Committee Reports/Announcements: 1) President Ciriello talked about the transition  of the presidency to incoming president Steve Hollar. He thanked several members, including Michele Bickel, for all the great work she did as Secretary of the club; Brooke Hamster for her work as Membership Chair; and Pam galloway for taking over the Optibullette from Katie Wonderly. 2) Rick Kerlin talked about his coat drive-please contact him for details.

CEO Report: None

50/50: None

Sergeants-at-arms: Travis McConnell and Jim Smith entertained us.

Don’t forget to attend the Regional Meeting in Warsaw Saturday October 21!

Thank you and have an Optimist week!