Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Upcoming Events:
9/9-WCHS Athletics/Dave Anson
9/16-Seasons HomeCare/Karen Kauffman
9/23-CERT Disaster Program/Joe Wilkey
9/30-President’s Program
10/14-WPD Citizens Police Academy
10/21-Kosciusko Cares/Tammy Cotton
10/28-Oregon Trails Experience/Randy Polston
President Rick Kerlin led our meeting.
96 Optimists & guests:
- Bill Crane-guest of Denny Andrews.
- Missy Mitchel-guest of Tony Ciriello.
- Christi Price-guest of Rick Kerlin.
- Thomas Altruda-guest and husband of Kellie Altruda.
- Paul Parker-guest of Harry Gigous.
- Joe Jackson-guest and son of Bob Jackson.
- WCHS Girls Soccer Team and coach Peter Lucht
Door Greeters: Michele Bickel and George Brennan.
Prayer: Bill Landrigan.
Pledge was given to the American flag.
Promise yourself was said in unison.
Hail to Optimism was sung in unison.
Birthday Honorees: Happy Birthday to Everett Nifong, Luke Becknell, Joel Wihebrink, Rich Haddad, and Peter Lucht!
Check Presentation: Kellie Altruda presented a check to Christi Price from the WCHS Adult Tiger Booster Club in the amount of $500.
Committee Reports:
- Gina Voelz announced tennative date for Art In The Park to be September 19th. They need volunteers to help make this a success, please let Gina know if you can help.
- Safe Assured Day at the Lake-Sunday, August 30th and Family Safety Day on September 12th. Volunteers needed, talk to Jay Tate if interested.
- Trina Hoy will be taking pictures for the new Optimist Directory the next few weeks. Please get with her if you need a picture!
- Jason Rich and Jim Hayes are updating the Optimist Directory so make sure your contact information is correct. Also inquire about ads if your company is interested.
- Bob Jackson, the President of the Octagon club will have their first meeting on Friday, September 4th at 7am at Tiger Central.
Mike Cox conducted:
- 3nd Reading:
- Bill Crane-sponsored by Denny Andrews.
- Missy Mitchel-sponsored by Dave Mitchel & Tony Ciriello.
CEO Report:
None this morning.
- The Fall New Member Orientation will be available for any member that has joined within the last 5 years to learn more about the club and what being an Optimist really means. The meeting will be held on Thursday, September 10th from 7-7:45am at CafeMod (by Carson’s). Talk to Ot Schroeder if you have any questions.
- Indiana Bicentennial will be next year. They are looking for torch bearers to carry the torch. The person nominated should show public service, achievement, acts of herosim, and volunteer service within the community. Please let Rick Kerlin know if you have a nomination for this role. It would be great to have a Warsaw Breakfast Optimist involved for this!
Sheriff’s Report:
Bill gave a report.
50/50: Ron Chambers was today’s winner!
Videos: None.
Sergeants-at-Arms: Jeff, Bob and Steve entertained us:
- $1 Fine:
- All of those who didn’t think KT Kishan could beat Maria in the race.
- Father Bill Landrigan for his sermon this morning.
- Rusty Meier, for he is what a Rusty Meier looks like.
- Michele Bickel for being on almost every page of the paper. She announced on 9/26/15 there will be a Dinner, Tailgate and Auction at Winona Lake Trails Meadow for Joe’s Kids starting at 4:30pm and dinner will be served at 5pm. Tickets are $50.
- Craig Snow said that Chloe Snow was the most beautiful girl soccer player on the team.
- Alan Lucht for knowing the ladies soccer team played Goshen last night.
- Doc Haines 5th grandchild, Julie is on the ladies soccer team.
- Ron Chamber for winning the pot $5.
- Gina Voelz explained what is going to happen at Art In The Park. They share art with Elementary School teachers, it will be on Saturday 9/19/15 from 9am-12pm.
- Bill Katip and coach Lucht to see which team goes undefeated this year.
- 5 Questions:
- Craig Snow (Left handed)
- What % of people are left handed? = 10%.
- How many US Presidents have been left handed? = 7.
- What age were you when you discovered you were left handed? = 4-5 years old.
- Do you do anything with your right hand? = Golf.
- When is Left Handed Day? = August 13th.
- In school did you have left handed scissors? = No.
- $Optimistic $1:
- Garry Tanner for his son being named Plainfield Optimist of the Year.
- Juergen Voss announced next Sunday is the last show for the Lake City Skiers.
- Brooke Hamstra thanked members for ordering Rise N’ Roll donuts, the fundraiser sold over $4,000 in donuts for their school programs at North Winona Daycare.
- Coach Kessler 48 years ago his wife said I do!
Gennie Bressitte-Tipton from Orthoworx/Diversity Committee presented this morning. She explained the role that the Diversity Committee plays in our community is a non-profit group in Warsaw that helps raise awareness of diversity in our area. They are always looking for volunteers so contact Gennie if you are interested in learning more.
Contact Info:
Phone: 574-376-4501
- Invite a Guest.
- Clean up tables.
Next Week’s Program: WCHS Athletics-Dave Anson.
Next Week’s guests: WCHS Girls Golf-Tad Nieter.
Quote: “Optimism works in conjunction with your life, energy, strengthening your roots and keeping you grounded, stimulating the growth of new shoots and the development of new branches that form your life, energizing the creation that is you.” -Dana Lightman.
Have a safe and very Optimist Week!