Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Future Dates
9/19 Safe Assured @ Center Lake
9/23 Board Meeting
09/28 Legacy of Life Banquet
9/30 no meeting
10/3 Our Awards Banq. @ CE Center
72 Optimists & 1 guest attended our meeting: Tom Kline guest of Jon Lippe. Door Greeters: George Brennan & Ron Donkers. Prayer was offered by Harry Gigous. Pledge was given to the American Flag. Promise yourself was said in unison. Birth-day Honoree: Chris Wiggins, Bob Jackson, Pete Gano, & Henry Church. Martin Becker led us with great results.
Prayer List:
Bill Hilliard is in a trial program in South Bend. He is treated 3 days on followed by 3 weeks off. He goes in 9/21. Daniel Elliott is starting a good plan by a world leader in melanoma treatment. He is having some issues with muscle recovery in his arm. He is back to work part-time. Gene Groninger’s wife Maxine is in the hospital. They are waiting for test results.
Membership: Bart Templeton read Tom Kline’s 3rd reading. Tom is sponsored by Jon Lippe.
Safe Assured ID: Dr. David Haines reminded us that what we really want is what we will do. We in reality vote with our feet not our mouths. If we really believe in Safe Assured we will work the events. Trace & Bruce have been saddled with about all the work of Safe Assured. The Family Safety Day at Center Lake on 9/19 is from 10 to 3. Lots of help is needed, this event usually has LOTS of kids. As of this morning only 1 person was helping Trace this Saturday. Please email Trace at to let him know what time you can help.
President Jim Reeve reminded all of a Board Meet-ing Monday, Sept 23 at 7:30pm. Christmas tree re-placement ideas will be discussed.
Pres. Jim Reeve announced our awards banquet will be Oct 3rd at 6:30pm at the CE Center. A sign-up sheet is going around. Cost is $13 per person. Pen-guin Point will cater a delicious meal.
Because of the awards banquet there will be no meeting Sept. 30.
Please turn in your Attendance Make-Up activities to Don Kenipe.
Jerry Clevenger invited all high school students to the 2nd & 4th Friday of each month’s Octagon meetings. Fifty kids are in Octagon this year.
Tracy Horrell reported 8 to10 teachers, 400 to 500 kids & several Optimists participated at Art in the Park.
Tammy Keirn reminded us Housing Opportunities of Warsaw is raffling off a house on 9/19. Tickets are $100. Proceeds will be used for housing repairs for local residents. Go to
Our Hootenanny is the best Scandinavian jokes. There will be a winner every week the rest of the month. Bring your best each week. This week Jeff Neumann won over Luke Becknell & Merl Hecka-man. The votes are $1 each.
Bill Landrigan invited all to the Legacy of Life Ban-quet at 6pm on Sept 28 at the Orthopedic Capital Center at Grace. Tickets are $20 per person.
Sergeant-at-Arms: Jim Hayes entertained us with a video from Patty Donkers had our trouble makers entertain us as they shot rubber bands at Pres. Jim Reeve. Harry Gigous won Optimist coffee cups for those at his table. Ron Donkers is happy that Patty Donkers won 2nd place at Rozella Ford in golf. Martin Becker is happy that the Ohio State tuba player dotted the eye even though he had to knock out the press to do it. John Sullivan reported that Sam Whitaker got a big bull elk. Fred Nieter invited all to the Warsaw Volleyball home game 9/17 at 5:30pm.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Chris Metz – Army – Iraq
Pres Jim Reeve honored many of our standing com-mittee members with plaques.