Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Invocation: Coach Kessler
Attendance: 98
Greeters: Kyrie Maierle, Heather Smith
Guests: Eddie Paterno (Darren Maierle), Matt Teevan (Dr. John Teheran), Kevin Haines (Rich Haddad), Coach Dan Davis (John Elliott), Caitlin Oder (Dr. Steve Hollar)
Membership (Joey Hickerson): 3rd reading for Eddie Paterno, Matt Teevan, Kevin Haines and Dan Davis
Birthdays: Pam Galloway
Check presentation: $1,500 for Lilly Center for Lakes and Streams (represented by Caitlin Yoder)
Announcements: Paula Deming said the Triathlon brought in about $23,000 and will have the final number after expenses. Gina Voelz needs volunteers for Art in the Park, September 22 at the Center Lake Park, from 10-1. Volunteers can get there at 9:30 help teachers set up, or later to help the children. Floyd Hollar started this program. Ann Sweet needs help for Feed my Starving Children, 10/17-10/20, at the Gordon Rec Center. Work will be in 2 hour shifts putting together packs. Joe Wilkey with World Compassion Network needs young volunteers to go into the Hurricane area. Brooke Hamster is taking member photos for the new directory.
CEO (Brittany Petersen): David Benning was or CEO. He joined in 2013, has been married to Clelda since 2005. They have 5 children. He works part time in the automotive industry.
His favorite memory involves Bill Landrigan talking with someone with a heavy foreign accent. His favorite traveling memory involves his 5th wedding anniversary, where they travelled to YosemiteBritish columbia and other places
60th Birthday (Pam Galloway): We’re up to 234 attendees. Pam will have a lot more info next week about the particulars. Doors open at 5:30, food is served at 6 pm. The bar will open at 5:30.
Sergeants-at-Arms entertained us.
Program: Dave Illingworth described his involvement in developing the Lexus. The pressure was enormous as a lot was riding on the design of a luxury car by Toyota. When they undertook the project they realized they would have to take business away from Mercedes and BMW. He compared the project to climbing Mt. Everest, where for 100 years people said that it couldn’t be done. To achieve their goal they said to themselves “It can be done.” Now Lexus sells 300,000 a year and over 8 million have been sold worldwide.
Next week is Indiana: A great place to explore by Mark Newman.