Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Future Dates
10/12 Board Meeting
10/13 Redbone concert for Serenity House
10/16 Optimist Singers @ OCC
10/17 Safe Assured @ OCC
10/16,17,23,24,30 BYC Dr Buzzsaw
10/21 District Meeting @ Richards
73 Optimists & 2 guests attended our meeting: Jerry Richardson guest of Trina Hoy, Keegan Tom guest of Angie Tom . Door Greeters: David Taylor & Ed Nordstrom. Prayer was offered by Henry Church. Pledge was given to the American Flag. Promise yourself was said in unison. Birthday Honorees: Mitch Goon & Ot Schroeder. Martin Becker led the Optimist Singers & us. Results were great.
Prayer List: Bill Hilliard is treated 3 days on followed by 3 weeks off. He went in 9/21. Daniel Elliott has had 6 of 30 interferon treatments. He is having side effects. He is also having some issues with muscle recovery in his arm. Gene & Maxine Groninger are home. Gene’s new phone is 989-488-7079. Maxine’s is 989-488-0454. Steve McGlothin’s wife Nancy is having her knee replaced Oct 13.
Safe Assured ID: Trace Hansen asked for help at the Taste & Trade Expo at the Orthopaedic Capital Center on Oct 17 from 10am to 4pm. Trace needs volunteers for couple hour shifts. Email Trace at . If we all take our turn, the work can get done.
Awards Banquet: Past Pres. Jim Reeve reported Trace Hansen & Bruce Hansen are Rookies of the Year; Jim Hayes is Optimist of the Year; & Sam Whitaker is our Pillar of the Community. The Opti-mist Singers sounded great, as they always do. Jim honored Secretary Jim Jordan, Treasurer Jennifer Dorman, & the board for their help keeping him on track.
Art Gakstatter asked for help with our Spooktakular Oct 30. Help is needed from 6pm on. Contact Art at 491-4405 or .
Martin Becker reminded our Optimist Singers to ar-rive at the Orthopaedic Capital Center at 6pm on Oct 16 for the Taste & Trade Expo.
Board Meeting at 6:30pm Oct 12 .
Fund Raising Committee: Jim Hayes, Jim Reeve, John Elliott, David Taylor, & Juergen Voss are meet-ing today at 7pm in our club board room.
Our Past Pres. Jim Reeve is our District Lt. Gover-nor this coming year. Jim invited all to the district meeting Wed, Oct 21 at 6:30pm at Richard’s Restau-rant. All are also invited to the quarterly meeting Nov 7 from 8:30am to 2:30pm at Don Hall’s Guest House where classes to help our club will be held.
Outgoing Secretary Jim Jordan handed off the re-sponsibility of all the reports to new Secretary Jerry Titus. It is a lot of work to document all we do.
Sergeant-at-Arms this year are: Merl Heckaman, Jay Tate, Lyle Enyeart, & John Barrett.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Dillon Ritter – Army – Iraq
Pres. Sam Whitaker introduced our goals for the year: 1st) Support & Serve Youth by a) volunteering to work events like Safe Assured, b) doing fund rais-ers. 2nd) Attend Meetings by a) greeting each other & our guests, b) obeying our Sheriff of Attendance, Bill Landrigan says. 3rd) Grow our club by a) realiz-ing we need to recruit 27 new members to stay even, b) helping our Membership Chairman, Everett Ni-fong, c) giving info on each other to our Salute to Op-timist chair, Stacey Cox, d) learning about our history from Banner Knowledge members, Dr. David Haines, John Elliott, & Jerry Titus, e) enjoy programs found by Henry Church, Art Gakstatter, & John Sullivan
Stacey Cox saluted Sam Whitaker, who joined in 2004 (sponsored by Bill Dalton). Sam has worked numerous projects. Stacey need stories on Mary Ellen Jordan & Dr. David Haines for next week.
David Haines explained our slogan was ―Friend of the delinquent boy‖ then ―Friend of the boy‖ & now ―Friend of youth.‖ In 1973 we had 46 members, by 1976 we had passed through 75 and reached 100.