Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Attendance: 100 members and 4 guests
Invocation: Ken Anderson
Greeters: Pam Galloway and Jeffrey Servies
Guests: Lynn Howie (John Elliott), Kristine Paton (Dirk Sommers), Layne Leeper (Rob Edling), Sebastian Flores (Brooke Hamstra)
Birthdays: Mitch Goon, Simon Stone, Annette Hammond
Check Presentation: None
Membership: Joey Hickerson conducted
1st Reading: Rick Flores
2nd Reading: None
3rd Reading: None
Program: Indiana State Senator Ryan Mishler
Committee Reports/Announcements:
New Warsaw Breakfast Optimist board members and officers were introduced by President Steve Hollar. Club member and new Optimist Lt. Governor Jennifer Dorman welcomed them with letter from Optimist International declaring them “officially installed”.
President Hollar announced a new calendar board showing upcoming activities would be displayed at every meeting.
Juergen Voss provided mums for table decorations and as a fund raiser to kick off the scholarship fund. Mums were available for purchase for a free-will donation.
CEO Report: None
50/50: Frank Grose
Sergeants-at-arms: (Or should we say Hollar’s Tooth Fairies – you just had to have been there….) Jeff Owens, Brooke Hamstra, Sam Whitaker, and Gina Voelz
Thank you and have an Optimist Week!