Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Attendance: 90

Invocation: Larry Bishop

Greeters: Trace Hansen, Doug Ogle

Guests: Kristine Sommers (Dirk Sommers), Gillian Gabryluk (Art Gakstatter), Shari Benyousky (Travis McConnell)

Announcements: 1)President Rob Bishop read a letter from Past President Don Bergen, complimenting the Club on the 60th Birthday Bash. He also thanked Dr. Steve Hollar and Pam Galloway for the work they did on the Bash. 2) Ron Chambers announced Club visitation Tuesday October 23, to Plymouth. Meet in the Bowling Alley a little before 6:30 am.

Installation of Officers: (Sam Whitaker) Board members Brittany Petersen, Darren Maierle, Art Gakstatter and Rick Kerlin; Treasurer Austin Donovan and Secretary Tracy Fitzgerald; Vice Presidents Tony Ciriello and Everett Nifong and President Rob Bishop.

Birthdays: Mitch Goon, Noel Hoke, Ot Schroeder, Simon Stone (Steve Hollar lead the singing!).  Rob Bishop gave Steve Hollar a gift for serving as President (Optimist plaque from the Cut Glass Factory)

50/50 (Kris Farwell): Jeff Owens won!

Membership: (Rick Kerlin) Shari Benyousky (Travis McConnell), 2nd reading; Nicky Waltz (Travis McConnell), 1st reading

Program: Kosciusko County Prosecutor Dan Hampton was our guest speaker. He said he practiced criminal law and has been with the Prosecutor’s Office since 2011. He acknowledged members of the law enforcement family in the audience: Rob Bishop, Sam Whitaker and John Sullivan, and Kyle Dukes and Paul Heaton. There are two main departments, Criminal and Child Support (headed by Rob). That department collects $725,000 per month. They process about 5-7K per year of infractions and misdemeanors like shoplifting. Four years ago they were processing 60-70 felonies per month, now it is 130-140 per month. He didn’t have an explanation and said it involves not just drugs but everything.The legislature changed the criminal code in 2014 to adapt the philosophy “let’s treat the offender.” He said instead of putting people in prison they have to put them in rehab or the local jail. They have a drug court that processes high risk and high need individuals. This includes people who have been in prison but nothing works. It tries to expose them to a life style they’ve forgotten.They have to abide by the rules or go to prison.They have graduated 50 people and have 30 now.Teen Court is for low level offenders (truancy, etc.) Community corrections, which involves electronic monitoring, has 120 participants. They are monitored 24/7 and some are under house arrest. He said it was too early to tell how effective the therapeutic approach is.Prosecutor Hampton recommended home security systems that show the road. They were able to solve a case that way recently. Be the eyes and ears out on the street and report to law enforcement. All of us in the room are police. Stay vigilant against identity theft.

Sergeants: Mitch Goon, Brittany Peterson and Paul Heaton  will be our sergeants.

Closing remarks: Rob Bishop said he is happy to serve as the 60th WBOC President and is more than willing to listen.