Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Upcoming Events:
11/12 Wed. Girls Swim & Dive
11/12 Wed. Beamon Home
11/19 Wed Boys Swim & Dive
11/19 Wed. WCSH Orchestra
11/26 Sun. Boy Scout Bake Sale

President Rick Kerlin led our meeting.

100 Optimists & guests:

• David Hoffert-Guest of Akash Jain.
• Brandon Coward-Guest of Adam Heckaman.
• Joe Kessy-Guest of Everett Nifong.
• Tim Hamman (new owner of Male Fashions)-Guest of Andy Swihart.
• David Kolbe-Guest of Trina Hoy.
• Ardis Faber-Check recipient.

Door Greeters: Merl Heckaman & Don Reinholt.

Prayer: Bill Katip.

Pledge was given to the American flag.

Promise yourself was said in unison.

Hail to Optimism was sung in unison.

Birthday Honorees: Mike Hall, Rick Kerlin & Dan Metzger.

Mike Cox, conducted:
• 3rd Reading: David Hoffert, sponsored by Akash Jain.

CEO Report (Club Essential Optimists):
Jenna Secrist announced Dr. Charlie Hollar.
o Charlie has been an Optimist Member since 1967! He has been married for 52 years, he has 2 kids and 5 grandchildren. He first opened his practice in 1966 here in Warsaw. His hobbies include watching his grandchildren and traveling. His burning passion is continued good health. Something we don’t know about him, he was forced to join Optimist by his father after he served in the US Army. He has held a perfect attendance for Optimist for 47 years. His key to success is to enjoy where you are and not to wish you were somewhere else! Thank you for sharing Dr. Hollar!

Check Presentation:
Gina Voelz presented a $500 check to Ardis Faber for Lakeland Youth Chorale on behalf of the club. The Lakeland Youth Chorale (LYC) is a select mixed choral ensemble of children grades 3-8. The LYC is designed to provide a rich and rewarding musical experience for each child. Ardis announced their next upcoming event is on November 22-Symphony of the Lakes @ PAC. Go to for more information!
Committee Reports:
• Spooktakular-wrap up. Art Gakstatter said it was a great turn out, awesome weather, and very creative costumes! He recognized all of the volunteers for their efforts and support. A big thanks to ALL involved!
• Chamber-Man/Woman of the Year Award Nominations are due to the Chamber by Nov. 7th.
• Winona Limitless Park Fundraiser is 10/27/14-12514. Go online at to donate!
• Veterans Day Salute-Nov. 9th @ WCHS.
• Cub Scout cake auction will be 11/26/14 and they still need auctioneers.

• District Meeting in Anderson, IN was last weekend. Our club was awarded a pin for getting all of our information in on time. Way to go Michele Bickel!
• First LEGO League-November 16.
• Please add to your safe sender email list!

50/50: Surprisingly…..Don Kenipe was this morning’s winner of $48!

Sergeants-at-Arms: Jeff Owens & Dr. Steven Hollar dressed in costume and entertained us:
• Member Costumes:
o Merl Heckaman = Elmer Fudd.
o Bill Katip = Daddy Warbucks.
o Mike Hall = Rotary Rookie of the Year.
o Jenna Secrist = Have no clue.
o Don Kenipe = Gamblers Anonymous.
o John Kirkpatrick = Larry Lujack.
o David Kolbe = Letter to the Editor, Man of the Year.

• Skeleton Construction Competition:
Jerry Titus and David Haines competed in a head to head battle, where nobody was awarded the winner!

• $1 Charge-
o Don Kenipe for winning 50/50 AGAIN.

• 5 Things You Need To Know about….
o (Almost Member) David Hoffert
 Give/Get = Give.
 Hard candy/Chocolate = Hard candy.
 Hay ride/Toilet paper = Toilet paper.
 Scary/Funny = Scary.
 Favorite Halloween memory = Taking his kids around the neighborhood.

• Optimistic $1-
o Jenna Secrist announced that this month is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and she is very passionate about the cause (from last week)!
o Coach Jim Kessler busted out in song, “Kansas City” by Muddy Waters in support of game 7 of the World Series tonight! He carried a lovely tune I might add 😉 Newest Optimist singer, perhaps??

David Findlay, President and Chief Executive Officer of Lake City Bank presented to the group this morning. He spoke about the culture of the bank and shared information about their statistics over the years.
For more information:

• Facebook:
• Website:

• Next week – Veteran’s Day Program.
• Clean up tables.
• Invite a Guest.
• Quote of the week: “Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.” -Oscar Wilde.