Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Merl's new face

Merl's new face

Future Dates
10/30 BYC Dr Buzzsaw
10/30 Spooktakular @ downtown
11/8 talent show for Warsaw sports
11/4, 11, 18 S A Canned Food drive
11/7 District Meetings @ Don Hall’s
11/9 visit Rochester club
11/13 CASA Wine @ Biomet Hanger
73 Optimists & 3 guests attended our meeting: Jon Cook guest of John Sullivan, Deb & Steve Miller guests of Trina Hoy. Door Greeters: Bob Jackson & Everett Nifong. Prayer was offered by Doug Ogle. Pledge was given to the American Flag. Promise yourself was said in unison. Birthday Honorees: Harry Gigous. Martin Becker led us with ―family‖ re-sults. Mystery Person Jim Reeve reported 19 people shook his hand.
Prayer List: Bill Hilliard is treated 3 days on followed by 3 weeks off. He was in 10/15. He has had 3 of 6 cycles. Daniel Elliott finished 23 of 30 Alphaferron treatments. He is tired. After these treatments his follow-up will consist of 3 shots a week. Gene & Maxine Groninger are home. Gene’s new phone is 989-488-7079. Maxine’s is 989-488-0454.
Membership: Everett Nifong read Jerry Richardson’s 3rd & Deb Miller’s 1st readings. Trina Hoy sponsored Jerry & Deb. Deb is Pinky Eherenman’s daughter.
Jim Reeve reported those who are not signed up for Christmas Tree Sales will be assigned spots.
Art Gakstatter asked for help with our Spooktakular Oct 30. Help is needed from 5pm on.
Lt. Gov. Jim Reeve invited all to the quarterly meeting Nov 7 from 8:30am to 2:30pm at Don Hall’s Guest House. Let Jennifer Dorman know if you are going.
Luke Becknell asked us to bring money & canned food the 1st 3 weeks of November for our Salvation Army food drive.
Ot Schroeder invited all to visit the Rochester Club Nov 9. We will leave at 5:45am & return at 8:10am.
Merl Heckaman announced we will sign up next week to ring the bell for Salvation Army Dec 19 at Wal-Mart.
Pres. Sam Whitaker thanked Dave Meier, our public-ity chair for the coverage in the newspaper.
Sheriff Bill Landrigan called several missing mem-bers last night. Great job, Sheriff Bill.
Sergeant-at-Arms: Lyle Enyeart, John Barrett, Jay Tate, & Merl Heckaman entertained us as they col-lected money from us. Merl Heckaman showed his ―face.‖ John Teevan is happy classes have restarted at the Michigan City Penitentiary. Harry Gigous has a new grandchild (a day early). We remembered we are using Pinky Eherenman’s trailer as we sell Christmas trees. Don Reinholt is celebrating motor-ized La-Z-Boys. John Sullivan got a deer with his SUV after driving 3000 miles without shooting one. Ron ―Sven‖ Donkers reminded us why you should not sell your mule. Grace plays IU at IU Nov 4th. Everyone should send their information to our Ser-geants at .
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
LCpl Matt Miles – Marines
Henry Church announced that next week Dave Wolkins will present the State of the State.
Program: DNR deer decoys
Jon Cook from the DNR brought us up to speed. Go inside the fence before you shoot a deer.
Stacey Cox saluted: Jay Tate, sponsored by Jane Greene has done Safe Assured & the Santa House even when his power was out. Jay has learned we do not wear Shriner’s hats. Merl Heckaman, spon-sored by John Elliott, has about 29 years perfect at-tendance. Merl is an original Optimist Singer. Sta-cey needs stories on Jennifer Dorman & John Kirkpatrick for next week.
Banner: Jerry Titus explained our red banners show when we were the #1 club in the District or state. Visiting other clubs, he noticed the usual is a minority of attendees at meetings. We are blessed to have the dynamic meetings that draw us each week.