Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Attendance: 90 members and 10 guests

Invocation: Jenny Lucht

Greeters: John Elliott and George Paton – Greeter Triva: George has been married for 48 years and John has been married for 49. It was also John’s 2,288th Opitimist Meeting!

Guests: Mike Foreman, a former Optimist and past-President (Art Gakstatter); Jody Claypool (Jeff Servies); Reg Berry (Darren Maierle); Becky Mahoney, Steve Politz, Jack Townsend, George Krom of the Rochester Club (Ot Schroeder); Ryan Libey (Ken Anderson); Charlie Wagner (Luke Becknell); Carmen Flores (Joy Lavendar)

Birthdays: Tammy Keirn, Harry Gigous, and Gary Tanner

Check Presentation: None


1st Reading: Jody Claypool

2nd Reading: Reg Berry

3rd Reading: None

Induction: Welcome to new member Sebastian Flores who was inducted with Dr. David Haines conducting.

Program: Regina Gowen, Property Manager with The Commonwealth  Companies, presented an update on the progress of the Little Crow Apartment Complex. She shared information about the company’s philosophy on providing affordable housing. The complex is expected to be ready for occupancy in mid-December and nearly half of the 42 units are already leased.

Committee Reports/Announcements:

Spooktacular – Art Gakstatter, Gina Voelz and Angie Tom shared details about Friday’s event in downtown Warsaw. Volunteers are still needed for set-up (@3:30 p.m.), security during the event and for tear down (@8 p.m.) Brooms are going to be given away to the first 100 costume contest registrants.

SuperMarket Sweep – Rick Swaim invited everyone to participate in this shopping event to take place November 8 at Owen’s . The event sponsored by Mission Point Church will distribute donated grocery items purchased to local food pantries.

Warsaw Breakfast Optimist 60th Birthday Bash – Pam Galloway asked members to mark their calendars and save the date for the club’s 60th birthday celebration to be held in 2018 on Wednesday, September 26, from 6:30-8:30 p.m at The Heritage Room in Winona Lake.

CEO Report: Vickie Lootens (Brittany Petersen conducting) – Vickie, the Chief Development Officer for Cardinal Services, joined the Warsaw Morning Optimist Club in June 2016. She has been married to her husband Greg for 27 years and has 2 sons. With her youngest son just graduating from high school, she plans to move closer soon. Vickie’s hidden talent is playing the clarinet. Her appreciation of the arts carries over into her love for the theater and New York City. She has visited NYC 4 times and has attended 12 of the 39 theaters located there. Her favorite Optimist memory is winning the 50/50 drawing last week which topped her appreciation of the Tooth Fairies!

50/50: Gary Tanner wins

Sergeants-at-Arms: The Tooth Fairies – Jeff Owens, Gina Voelz, and Sam Whitaker held another wild sock contest and quizzed members about the product boxes which used to sit on top of the Little Crow Mill building.

Optimism Quote: “One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn’t pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself.” – Lucille Ball

Thank You and may your week be filled with Optimism!