Wednesday, October 19, 2016

October 19, 2016

Upcoming Programs:


26-Ghost Tours/Greg Steffe


2-Beaman Home/Tabatha Gabbard

9-Veterans Day Program/Optimist Singers

16-Trine University/Alli Finch

23-Cake Auction

30-John Sullivan’s Musical Talents


7-Big Brothers Big Sisters/Kate O’Connor

14-Polywood/Sharon Doan

21-Christmas Carols/Optimist Singers

28-White Elephant Auction


Invocation by:  Joe Wilkey

Greeters: Austin Donovan and Josh Finch

 Members & Guests:       

  1. Joey Hickerson-guest of Joel Wihebrink
  2. Chuck Yeager-guest of Doc Haynes
  3. Katie Wonderly-guest of Trina Hoy

Birthdays:  Tammy Keirn and Aaron Rovestine.  Happy Birthday!


Brooke Hamstra conducted:

   1st Reading:

  • none

   2nd Reading:

  • Joey Hickerson-sponsored by Joel Wihebrink

   3rd Reading:

  • none


  • none

Check Presentation:  $500 was presented to Big Brothers/Big Sisters by Rob Bishop. Shelly Schwab accepted the contribution on behalf of her organization. 

Program:  Life Touch Ministries. Jeff France and Stephanie Essick introduced their organization, a Christian based Counseling service, helping people return to joy since 1997. Thank you Life Touch!

Committee Reports/Announcements:

  • Friday, October 28th is the Spooktacular.  Volunteers are needed from 4:30 to 9:00.
  • The next Club Visitation will be with the Warsaw Noon Optimists on November 7th at Grace College.
  • Joe Wilkey announced that $163 had been raised by Optimist Club to send help to Haiti.

CEO Report:  by Jen Kerns

  • none

50/50:  Ott Schroeder won this week!

Sergeants-at-arms:  Jim Smith, Juergen Voss, and Travis McConnell entertained us.


  1. Next Week:  Ghost Tours/Greg Steffe.
  2. Thank You Guests & Members.
  3. Clean your tables.

Quote: “The two greatest days are the day you are the born and the day you know why.”

Thanks and have an Optimist Week!