Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Future Dates
10/23 Wed. Ben Barkey & Tom Ray / Washington STEM
10/23 Wed. Boys Tennis / Rick Orban
10/30 Wed. Girl Scouts / Leslie Augustyniak
11/1 Fri. Spooktakular
11/3 Sun. Optimist Singers / Millers Merry Manor
11/6 Wed. Optimist Singers Veterans Day
11/13 Wed. Eisenhower Robotics Club
11/20 Wed. Warsaw Community Schools Symphony / Blue Apron dessert
11/27 Wed. Boy Scout Bake Sale
12/4 Wed. Brad Hagg / Warsaw Community High School CTO
12/4 Wed. Warsaw High School Gymnastics / Andi Calhoun
12/11 Wed. Lakeland Youth Chorale
12/11 Wed. Girls Basketball / Michelle Harter
12/18 Wed. Optimist Singers Christmas Carols
12/25 Wed. No Meeting
1/1 Wed. White Elephant Auction
1/8 Wed. 100 Years of Winona Lake / Terry White
1/8 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Wrestling / Justin Smith
1/15/14 Wed. Walk-n-Wonder Warsaw / Michelle Bormet & Darla
1/15/14 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Girls Swim & Dive / Nate Long
1/22/14 Wed. Warsaw Community Schools Symphony
1/29/14 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Boys Swim & Dive / Nate Long
2/5/14 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Boys Basketball / Doug Ogle
2/12 Wed. KCH
2/19 Wed. Kosciusko County Cancer Care Fund
2/19/14 Wed. Student of the Week
2/26 Wed. Warsaw Police Chief Scott Whitaker
2/26/14 Wed. Student of the Week
3/5/14 Wed. WCHS Poetry Contest Winners
3/5/14 Wed. Student of the Week
3/12/14 Wed. Warsaw Schools Band
3/12/14 Wed. Student of the Week
3/19/14 Oratorical Contest Winners
3/26/14 Wed. Warsaw Community Schools Chief Academic Officer David Hoffert
4/16 Wed. DARE / Lt Beam
4/30 Wed. Josh Wildman CEO of Wildman Business Group
5/7 Wed. Splash Pad
5/14 Wed. Sheriff Rocky Goshert
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
President Everett Nifong led our meeting.
87 Optimists & 4 guests attended our meeting. Robert Lee was the guest of Kevin Weaver; Brenda Hiner was the guest of Jim Bricker; Chris Scheeren was the guest of Kellie Malcolm; & Trae Furnivall was the guest of Tracy Furnivall.
Door Greeters: Laurie Schotz & Dr. Pam Galloway.
Prayer: Bill Landrigan led us in prayer.
Pledge was given to the American flag.
Promise yourself was said in unison.
Martin Becker led us in singing Hail to Optimism.
Birthday Honorees: Trae Furnivall, Mark Whitford, & Bill Katip. Martin Becker led us in the birthday song with Merl-less results.
Prayer Requests:
Jim Nesbitt’s recovery.
Ken Anderson’s family at the passing of his mother.
Dave Wolkins recovery from knee surgery.
Membership: Kellie Malcolm read Robert Lee’s application. Past Lt. Gov. Sam Whitaker inducted Brenda Edling & Anna Lackey. Kevin Weaver, Rob Edling, & Dr. KT Kishan sponsored Robert, Brenda, & Anna.
President Everett Nifong reported the following Board action:
Tracy Horrell is working on new banners for our events.
No meeting December 25 nor January 1.
The Valentine’s Banquet has been cancelled. Attendance has dwindled.
Past Lt. Gov. Ot Schroeder reported our Octagon Club sold 33 of their Pumpkin Project decorations. Thirteen of our members bought them. They will donate the profit to Riley Children’s Hospital.
Art Gakstatter reported that our Spooktakular will be Friday, November 1 as part of First Friday. Sign-up sheets are going around. The Costume Contest is from 5:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Trick or Treating is from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Costume judging starts at 7:30 p.m. on the Courthouse lawn and can go until 9 p.m. Help is needed between 4:30 p.m. into the evening. At the end people are needed for the clean-up. Sponsors are Miller’s Merry Manor, WCDC, Downtown Merchants, Bowen Center, Warsaw Breakfast Optimist & others.
Director Martin Becker reported our Optimist Singers will sing at 5:30 p.m. Sunday, November 3 at Miller’s Merry Manor. Julianne Runnells reported the $5 per Chili Supper will go to the Women’s Auxiliary to help with shipping costs to our overseas service people.
President Everett Nifong invited us to attend the District Meeting in Kokomo on Oct 26. See Michele Bickel if you are going.
Tech Chairman Jim Hayes recognized Website Chairman Jeff Owens for his work rebuilding our website. If anyone has any pictures for an online scrapbook, please give them to Jeff.
Thanks to new member Robert Lee for chairing our Safe Assured ID.
Video Editor Jim Hayes showed us a nice slide from Scott Erba of the Elementary Cross Country participants. We supplied the ribbons for this run.
Remember to bring some money to our November 27 Cub Scout Bake Auction.
Past Lt. Gov. Dr. David Haines invited us to “Celebrate Harmony!” presented by the Chain-O-Lakes Barbershop Chorus featuring: “Major Lift,” The Sacred Heart Singers, WCHS Select Chorale, Chain Gang Quartet, & “Four O’ Clock Shadow.” Tickets are $10 and $5 for students. It is at the WCHS PAC at 4 p.m. on Sunday, October 20.
Video Editor Jim Hayes showed us video that showed how music has miraculous powers to revive the “mouse” spirit.
Attendance Chairman Don Kenipe has dutifully compiled our Attendance. We have the following perfect attendance record:
1 year
Matt Boren
Julie Runnells
Mike Cusick
Lisa Cassel
2 years
Roland Kramer
Gina Voelz
Al Grossnickle
Doug Jones
Ken Zortman
3 years
John Kirkpatrick
Rick Kerlin
John Sullivan
Ann Sweet
Jay Tate
Bruce Hansen
4 years
Mary Ann Gradeless
Andy Swihart
Joel Wihebrink
Joe Thallemer
Henry Church
5 years
Trace Hansen
Tracy Horrell
Gary Tanner
Bart Templeton
Peter Gano
6 years
Trina Hoy
Bob Ibach
Mitch Goon
7 years
Everett Nifong
8 years
Angie Tom
Jim Reeve
Pat Donkers
Steve McGlothin
John Teevan
9 years
Jerry Clevenger
Sam Whitaker
10 years
Craig Nayrocker
Marvin Miller
11 years
Jennifer Dorman
Ed Nordstrom
Kevin Weaver
12 years
George Brennan
13 years
Jim Hayes
Millie Andrews
14 years
Ot Schroeder
15 years
Harry Gigous
16 years
Luke Becknell
17 years
John Burtoft
Merl Heckaman
Bill Landrigan
18 years
Robert Jackson
Jim Nesbitt
Jeff Owens
19 years
Art Gakstatter
Steve Hollar
20 years
Fred Nieter
22 years
Martin Becker
23 years
Ken Anderson
25 years
Ron Donkers
George Paton
27 years
Dennis Andrews
31 years
Don Reinholt
Jerry Titus
32 years
Don Kenipe
33 years
Dave Turner
35 years
Larry Tucker
Juergen Voss
39 years
Charles Hollar
John Elliott
41 years
David Haines
48 years
Ron Chambers
Sergeants-at-Arms: Trace Hansen, Luke Becknell,& Lyle Enyeart (the good, the bad, & the ugly) entertained us.
Navy veterans were recognized because of the Navy’s birthday.
Former grouches were recognized because of Grouch Day.
Many adventurous souls sat at different tables. Steve McGlothin was amoung those who were at their usual tables.
Our retirees were recognized. We hope the checks keep coming. We also hope they keep some purchasing power.
Angie Tom was presented with the empty ears of corn that are left after Mitch Goon’s squirrels were finished with them.
Our own John Teevan wrote a book entitled Integrated Justice.
We realized that of the few members who have chickens, only Andy Swihart has a name for every chicken at his house. As an accountant, it is advisable he switch to numbers, especially as his flock grows to be like Kralis or Creighton.
Principal Troy Akers is proud of the Warsaw Champion Cheerleading squad. He knows each one’s name.
Yours truly was offered the chance to say a good word for the / that is the National Sales Tax that will take away both income taxes and the IRS that knows all of our names.
U.S. Army Major Fred Josellis & Sergeant Major Mark Whitford introduced us to JROTC. WCHS Principal Troy Akers told of how JROTC came to Warsaw. We were looking for a JROTC program. We were fortunate the Army agreed to come to Warsaw.
The JROTC does not sell the military to students. All of our students will do one of three things when they graduate: 1) get a job, 2) go to college, or 3) join the military. The JROTC teaches our students life skills that give them a leg up regardless of the path they take.
JROTC develops 1) citizenship, 2) leadership, & 3) integrity in our students. They learn about our country. They learn about doing your best and taking initiative. Our students grades improve in all subject areas. They become successful in and out of the classroom. “It is not how smart I am, but how am I smart.”
JROTC gives kids a place to belong. This year we have 115 kids in JROTC. There are 20 programs in Indiana. Past President George Brennan is a graduate of JROTC and gave it high marks.