Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Attendance: 86
Invocation: Bill Crane
Greeters: Pat Donkers and David Taylor
Guests: Sebastian Flores (Brooke Hamstra), Megan Farver (Anne Cuahuizo), Bob Lyons (Rick Kerlin)
Birthdays: Greg Kralis, Ot Schroeder, David Cates, Denny Andrews
Check Presentation:
- Tiger Basketball for $200 w/ Coach and Member Doug Ogle accepting – $’s to easy expenses for some players
- Big Brothers Big Sisters for $1,000 w/member Andy Swihart accepting – $’s to go toward 10/26 event to help recruit badly needed Bigs for children waiting to be matched.
Membership: Joey Hickerson conducted
1st Reading: None
2nd Reading: Sebastian Flores
3rd Reading: None
Program: Brad Bishop, Executive Director, OrthoWorx
Committee Reports/Announcements:
- Tony Ciriello presented Michele Bickel with her Optimist of the Year award as she could not attend when recipients were recognized due to a death in the family.
- Ron Donkers reminded club members about the 10/21 district meeting at Shrine building. If you want to go and have lunch get with Michele Bickel, Secretary.
- Spooktacular is 10/27, downtown Warsaw. Art Gakstatter advised T or T is from 6 – 7 pm; costume contest judging is 7:15 – 8:15 pm. Need help w/ setup and tear down please!
- Pam Galloway advised Lisa Mahan and Jill Boggs are teaming up for the Optibullette. Remember to mark your attendance, and contact them to promote volunteer needs.
- Pam Galloway: Club anniversary event is Sept. 26, 2018 – looking for member photos from 1958 or from anyone who wants to send a photo to be “yearbooked” to Trina Hoy.
CEO Report: President Steve Hollar announced the CEO Report will now be conducted by member Brittany Petersen. He then proceeded to feature Brittany for this week’s report.
50/50: Collection was taken for Jerry Titus in place of the 50/50 this week.
Sergeants-at-arms: Gina Voelz, Brooke Hamstra, Sam Whitaker, and Jeff Owens entertained and made several extractions for the good of the club!
Thank you, and … Hail to Optimism!