Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Attendance:  86

Invocation:  Bill Crane

Greeters:  Pat Donkers and David Taylor

Guests:  Sebastian Flores (Brooke Hamstra), Megan Farver (Anne Cuahuizo), Bob Lyons (Rick Kerlin)

Birthdays:  Greg Kralis, Ot Schroeder, David Cates, Denny Andrews

Check Presentation:

  1. Tiger Basketball for $200 w/ Coach and Member Doug Ogle accepting  – $’s to easy expenses for some players
  2. Big Brothers Big Sisters for $1,000 w/member Andy Swihart accepting – $’s to go toward 10/26 event to help recruit badly needed Bigs for children waiting to be matched.

Membership:  Joey Hickerson conducted

1st Reading: None

2nd Reading: Sebastian Flores

3rd Reading: None


Program:  Brad Bishop, Executive Director, OrthoWorx

Committee Reports/Announcements:

  1. Tony Ciriello presented Michele Bickel with her Optimist of the Year award as she could not attend when recipients were recognized due to a death in the family.
  2. Ron Donkers reminded club members about the 10/21 district meeting at Shrine building. If you want to go and have lunch get with Michele Bickel, Secretary.
  3. Spooktacular is 10/27, downtown Warsaw. Art Gakstatter advised T or T is from 6 – 7 pm; costume contest judging is 7:15 – 8:15 pm. Need help w/ setup and tear down please!
  4. Pam Galloway advised Lisa Mahan and Jill Boggs are teaming up for the Optibullette. Remember to mark your attendance, and contact them to promote volunteer needs.
  5. Pam Galloway: Club anniversary event is Sept. 26, 2018 – looking for member photos from 1958 or from anyone who wants to send a photo to be “yearbooked” to Trina Hoy.

CEO Report: President Steve Hollar announced the CEO Report will now be conducted by member Brittany Petersen. He then proceeded to feature Brittany for this week’s report.

50/50: Collection was taken for Jerry Titus in place of the 50/50 this week.

Sergeants-at-arms:  Gina Voelz, Brooke Hamstra, Sam Whitaker, and Jeff Owens entertained and made several extractions for the good of the club!

Thank you, and … Hail to Optimism!