Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Future Dates
11/11 CASA Holiday Festival
11/11 & 12 Hoops for Hope
11/16 Lindsey Best/Big Brothers-Big Sisters & canned food drive
11/23 Cub Scout cake auction
11/30 Steve Miller / KCH
12/3 Ring the Bell for Salvation Army
12/7 Chris Harrison / Indiana American Water
12/21 Optimist Singers
12/28 White Elephant auction
5/20/12 Car Show
06/23/12 Triathlon
Martin Becker started our meeting with Revelry.
82 Optimists & 11 guests attended our meeting. Richard Tuttle was the guest of Ot Schroeder; Roland Kramer was the guest of Henry Church; Jeremiah Heierman was the guest of Trina Hoy; Janet Kirkpatrick was the guest of John Kirkpatrick; Hayley Cashier, Emily Bidwell, Jayla Starks, Skip Forbes, Tannan Peters, Nathan VanDuyne, & Adrian Maholli were the guests of Coach Jim Kessler.
Door Greeters: Don Reinholt & Merl Heckaman.
Prayer was offered by Don Reinholt.
Pledge was given to the American Flag. Promise yourself was said in unison.
Membership: Sam Whitaker read Richard Tuttle’s, Roland Kramer’s &Jeremiah Heierman’s applications. Ot Schroeder, Henry Church, &Trina Hoy sponsored Richard, Roland, & Jeremiah.
Sherriff of Attendance, Bill Landrigan, swore in Harry Gigous as his deputy.
Merl Heckaman reported our day to ring the bell for Salvation Armyis Dec. 3rd. We are doing the outside of K-Mart & both doors of Wal-Mart. Sign up sheets are going around.
President John Sullivan reported we were well represented by Jim Hayes, who did the computer, Jennifer Dorman, Sandy Engelberth, John Sullivan, & Lt. Gov. Sam Whitaker at the district meeting.
John also reported that Jennifer Dorman’s hard work as our secretary has resulted in an award. Jennifer gets the reports about all that our club does in correctly & timely.
Luke Becknell collected today for our Salvation Army canned food drive. We will contribute canned food or money next week. Last week we gave $91.
Past Pres. Joel Wihebrink reported Charles Neuwirth is ordering 275Christmas Trees at Owens East. Help is needed between Nov 17th & 20th to unload the trees & set up the sales area. Owens is donating $5 to us for every tree they sell!
Past Pres. Bob Jackson reported Hoops for Hope will be Nov. 11 & 12 at Grace’s Orthopedic Capital Center. Friday there are 4 games starting between 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday there are 4 more games starting between 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Proceeds go to the Kosciusko County Cancer Care Fund to help local families fighting cancer. Tickets are $5.
Past Pres. George Brennan invited us to the CASA Holiday Festivalon 11/11/11 at the Biomet Hanger from 6 to 10 p.m. There will be a silent auction in addition to the wines, beers, liqueurs, coffees, & hors D’ Oeuvres.
Martin Becker asked us to help the Lake Area Band find storage for their filing cabinets.
Please pray for our Troops and Families: Lcdr Jack Galle – Navy – VA Chaplain
Sergeants-at-Arms: Luke Becknell, James Nesbitt, & Bob Jacksonentertained us. Dr. Joe Thallemer was elected Mayor! Dr. Charles Hollar’s granddaughter, Steve’s daughter signed to play soccer at Grace. Denny Andrews attested to the wonderful concert last Friday by the Grace College Community Wind Ensemble. Dr. Steven Hollar was reminded of the anniversary of Hoosiers. Nate VanDuyne is engaged. Tracy Furnivall reported that Pete Thorn award winner, Doug Ogle,represented us well at Rotary. Those who voted were recognized. Those who are going to donate blood were recognized. Merl Heckamanhas given 21 gallons of blood.
Program: Martin Becker led our Optimist Singers who were accompanied by Millie Andrews. For Veteran’s Day they sang ourNational Anthem, This Land is Your Land, the Let Freedom Ring version of America the Beautiful, Danny Boy, Mansions of the Lord, Bring Him Home, and the Armed Services Medley. Jim Hayes played a moving video reminding us of the sacrifice our servicepersons make for us. The quote is so true, “I do not think we realize how much you have done.” At the end we recognized our own veterans. Martin closed withTaps.