Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Invocation: Jim Kessler

Greeters: Pam Galloway, Ron Henry

Guests: Doug Ogle’s daughter Cendall, Don Kenipe’s daughter (who said the surgery went well)

Birthdays: Jordan Foreman, Dan Metzger, Sebastian Flores

Announcements: 1) Ann Sweet talked about the event We Care Warsaw, sponsored by Winona Lake Grace Brethren Church and World Compassion Network, 2-5:30 pm  Saturday, November 10 at the church on Kings Highway in Winona Lake. There will be a  hot meal, games, dry haircuts, crafts for the kids, winter coats and groceries to make a Thanksgiving meal-for local families who may be struggling at this time of year. 2) Jeff Owens talked about the Oratorical Contest. He said he would like at least 20 members to mentor a child, rather that just mentioning  it.The theme is “Is there a fine line between optimism and reality?” The final date is not certain but will be a Friday next March. The childen have to be 19 or younger this October. 3)Ot Schroeder requested help taking down the fall arrangements. Please meet at Joel Wihebrink’s business (WLM) on State Road 15 at 9 am this Saturday. He also said our members are invited to the Rochester club’s 40th Birthday party Monday, November 12. Please let Ot know if you’re interested. We will be meeting in the high school parking lot on the right as you pull in off of State Road 15, at 5:35 and car pool from there. 3) Travis McConnell announced they are looking for a new director of the Beaman Home. 

50/50(Kris Farwell): Simon Stone won!

Membership (Joey Hickerson) : None

Induction:Jeff Owens inducted Niki Waltz, sponsored by Travis McConnell. Welcome to the club Niki!

Sergeants: Paul Heaton, Brittany Lyon, and Mitch Goon entertained us. Jeff Owens was fined for not mentioning law enforcement during his induction, Dr. S. Hollar was fined for not listening to Jeff Owens, and Mitch Goon had a Veteran’s Day quiz. Bill Landrigan had a happy dollar because the Heartland Pregnancy Center raised $22,000 with their Donut Dash.

Program: Our program was presented by WBOC member David Taylor, owner of Blue Pearl Antiques and Art Gallery in Pierceton. David talked about estate sales, and had many interesting anecdotes and good advice.  He says he does appraisals all the time and has found that “one man’s treasure is usually junk.” He says he helps people decide how to liquidate stuff and help determine what is of value. He has found valuable stuff in dumpsters including a bicycle  he later sold for $600-800. He said dishes and glassware are basically worthless. He said it is important to know where to sell stuff and he reaches out to other dealers. He pointed out that people hide stuff, and once found $9,000 hidden in cash, and $180 in a purse. He was approached by someone with his uncle’s jacket. The uncle had travelled with the Grateful Dead when he was younger. David was able to sell it to a collector in California for$3,500 and the shared the proceeds with the family. He says he doesn’t sell on the Internet because he would rather interact with the buyer in person, and other reasons. He suggested if you’re going to sell something on your own, get several bids.

There is a Board meeting next Monday at 5:30, at the Chamber.