Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Upcoming Events:


11/11-YMCA/Chad Zaucha

11/18-WCS High School Orchestra/Carolyn Stalcup and Boys Swim & Dive

11/25-Boy Scouts Bake Sale


12/2-Lifeline/Mark Terrell and Wrestling

12/9-WACC/Ronna Kawsky and Gymnastics

12/16-Kosciusko Cares/Marsha Carey

12/23-Christmas carols

12/30-White Elephant Auction


President, Trace Hansen, led our meeting.

89 Optimists & guests:

  • Rick Swain-guest of John Sullivan.
  • Warsaw High School Swim Team and Coach Tony Debrota.

Door Greeters:  Jeff Owens and Steve Hollar.

Prayer:  Kris Farwell. 

Pledge was given to the American flag.  

Promise yourself was said in unison.

Hail to Optimism was sung in unison.

Birthday Honorees:  Happy Birthday to Dan Metzger, Mike Cox and Troy Akers!

A separate ditty was sang for Mike Hall’s Birthday, as he arrived a little tardy to the meeting this morning.

Check Presentation:  None today. 


Pam Galloway conducted:

  • 1st Reading:
    • Rick Swain-sponsored by John Sullivan.

CEO Report:                                                     

Jennifer Pyle announced-George Brennan.

Member since-February 2001.


Anniversary-June 12, 1971.

Children-(3) Shea, Megan, and Ryan.

Grandchildren-(4) Brianna, Ellis, Aaron and Caroline.


City of residence-Goshen, IN for 2 years.

Occupation-President of the Lake City Group.


Burning Desire-To beat Donker’s in Dominos and Chamber in “Oh Hell”.

Key to Success-A very supportive wife and three great children.

Honors-To be able to work at making a different in this world.

Something nobody knows-He was the one who swatted Mary Ellen’s rear to put out the flames on her coat that caught fire while selling Christmas trees.

Favorite Optimist Memory-Same as his “Something nobody knows response.”  Thank you George!  We appreciate you and everything you do for the club! 

Committee Reports:

  • Ron Chambers reminded everyone about a Club Visitation with the Warsaw Noon Club. It will be held on November 9th at noon over at the Grace College Cafeteria.  Let Ron know if you would like to attend. 


  • Merl Heckaman announced on November 28th our club will be ringing the Salvation Army Bells from 9-5pm at Kmart and Walmart. More details to come on signing up.
  • Trina Hoy announced Big Brothers Big Sisters annual Year End Event will be held on Wednesday, November 11th at Champagne Jam starting at 5:30pm.. Please Trina know if you are interested in attending.
  • Coach Kessler announced Officer Terry Polston Hoops for Hope event will be held on November 13 & 14. They are looking for sponsorships.  If you are interested please contact Coach K.
  • The Cub Scout Cake Auction will held the Wednesday before Thanksgiving at club so make sure you come prepared to buy some goodies!
  • The Chamber awards nominations are due by November 20th this year. Please make sure you give your nominations to Jen Pyle.  We have had several award recipients from our Club and recognized those that have been awarded in the past. 

Sheriff’s Report:  Mike Hall was honored with an Optimist International coffee mug that has been waiting for him a few months given to him by Bill Landrigan.

50/50:  Jerry Titus was today’s winner!

Videos:  None today. 

Sergeants-at-Arms:   Joel Wihebrink and Tim Hamman entertained us:

$1 Fine:

  • Joel recognized the Women’s Swim Team and their dedication and hard work to be swimming miles and miles in the pool before 5am in the morning!
  • Tim Hamman was introduced to Mike Hall, Joel Wihebrink proceeded to give Mike a tour of building, badge box and buffet for our breakfast meal.
  • Charlie Hollar for his granddaughter’s article that was in the paper for playing soccer. He gave another $1for his other granddaughter who is on the tennis team.  He is a very proud grandfather!
  • Luke Becknell and Bill Landrigan were recognized for being in the Optimist Singers and their wardrobe was somewhat different….Bill didn’t have a red tie, his was more burgundy. (Jerry Titus offered one he has, but said he would have to dig it up for him.)
  • Jim Hayes for the confusion on the attendance sheets this morning. Jim was also recognized for ALL of his efforts with the Membership Directory!  Great job Jim and Thanks for your hard work!
  • Rick Kerlin was #31 on the Tiger Basketball Team of 1970-1971. Trina Hoy had a program and shared it with Rick to see if he recognized any of the players.
  • John Elliot for having corn kernels and feeding the squirrels from his Fall Display.
  • Ann Sweet for moving chairs from the ladies table this morning.
  • Jeff Owens for his advertising spiel as a greeter this morning.

Happy $1:

  • Tim Hamman for his daughter graduating college with the leading GPA.
  • Everett Niffong for Dr. Carla Carlton helping his wife put down their family cat of 15 years last week when he was in Kansas City for a conference.
  • Mickey Smethers for his surgery went well last week and for celebrating his 6th Wedding Anniversary last weekend.
  • John Teevan for his speaking opportunity in Michigan City today and helping people.
  • Trace Hansen for his father, Bruce, is having knee surgery today.
  • Rick Kerlin announced his daughter, Camille, had a speaking opportunity on Sunday morning at 4:40am at the IU Dance Marathon where $3.88 million was raised for Riley Hospital.


Our very own Optimist Singers honored our Veterans this morning with their beautiful songs of respect, honor, love and adoration.  It was a great program and tribute to ALL of the Veterans.  Thank you!


  • Invite a guest next week.
  • Clean up tables.
  • Next Week’s Program: YMCA/Chad Zaucha.

Have a safe and very Optimist Week!