Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Future Dates
11/8 talent show for Warsaw sports
11/4, 11, 18 S A Canned Food drive
11/7 District Meetings @ Don Hall’s
11/9 visit Rochester club
11/13 CASA Wine @ Biomet Hanger
74 Optimists & 2 guests attended our meeting: Deb & Steve Miller guests of Trina Hoy. Door Greeters: David Taylor & Ot Schroeder. Prayer was offered by Pete Gano. Pledge was given to the American Flag. Promise yourself was said in unison. Birthday Hon-orees: Jim Jordan. Martin Becker led us with pretty good results. Mystery Person Trina Hoy reported 15 people greeted her.
Prayer List: Bill Hilliard is treated 3 days on followed by 3 weeks off. He was in 10/15. He has had 3 of 6 cycles. Daniel Elliott finished 23 of 30 Alphaferron treatments. He is tired. After these treatments his follow-up will consist of 3 shots a week. Gene & Maxine Groninger are home. Gene’s new phone is 989-488-7079. Maxine’s is 989-488-0454.
Membership: Everett Nifong read Steve Miller’s 1st & Deb Miller’s 2nd readings. Past President Jim Reeve inducted Jerry Richardson. Trina Hoy sponsored Jerry, Deb & Steve. Deb is Pinky Eherenman’s daughter.
Jim Reeve unveiled our Christmas Tree Sales as-signments. It is each of OUR OWN responsibility to find someone to switch with if we can not work our own time. We will be at Petro’s GM.
Spooktakular: Art Gakstatter reported 500 kids came out in the rain & thanked those who worked.
Lt. Gov. Jim Reeve invited all to the quarterly meeting Nov 7 from 8:30am to 2:30pm at Don Hall’s Guest House.
Luke Becknell asked us to bring money & canned food the next 2 weeks for our Salvation Army food drive. Today $112 and several cans were collected.
Doug Ogle invited all to Warsaw’s Got Talent fund-raiser for Warsaw’s Basketball team. Tickets are $10. The show is 3pm this 11/8 at our high school.
Bob Jackson announced this year’s Terry Polston, Hoops for Hope will be Dec 11 & 12. Proceeds go to the Kosciusko County Cancer Care Fund. Spon-sorships are available at $500, $250, $100 levels.
Ot Schroeder invited all to visit the Rochester Club Nov 9. We will leave at 5:45am & return at 8:10am.
Merl Heckaman is passing a sign up sheet to ring the bell for Salvation Army Dec 19 at Wal-Mart.
George Brennan invited us to the CASA Wine Tast-ing fundraiser 11/13 from 6pm at the Biomet hanger. Parking is next to the hanger.
Sheriff: People are still coming after Bill Landrigan called several missing members. Great job, Bill.
Sergeant-at-Arms: Lyle Enyeart & Merl Heckaman entertained us as they collected money from us. We saw a preview of tonight’s Grace vs. IU game. Sta-cey Cox is going to Seversville, TN. Joel Wihebrink is going to the Virgin Islands. Juergen Voss was caught ―sleeping.‖ Everyone should send their infor-mation to our Sergeants at .
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
LCpl Matt Miles – Marines
Program: State of the State
Our state representative, Dave Wolkins reported what happened in this session. Indiana is one of 4 states that are not in financial trouble. We are bor-rowing money to pay unemployment claims. Dave was able to help keep the ―money following the stu-dent‖ way of funding education.
Stacey Cox saluted: Jennifer Dorman, sponsored by Mary Ellen Jordan has been our treasurer since joining in 2003. She has 7 years perfect attendance. John Kirkpatrick, has been a Optimist Singer since joining in 1993. He has worked on our Membership committee. John has 2 kids & 2 grandchildren. Sta-cey needs stories on Ron Donkers & Larry Tucker for 11/18.