Wednesday, November 28, 2015

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Upcoming Events:


11/4-Vetrans Day Songs and Girls Swim & Dive

11/11-YMCA/Chad Zaucha

11/18-WCS High School Orchestra/Carolyn Stalcup and Boys Swim & Dive

11/25-Boy Scouts Bake Sale


12/2-Lifeline/Mark Terrell and Wrestling

12/9-WACC/Ronna Kawsky and Gymnastics

12/16-Kosciusko Cares/Marsha Carey

12/23-Christmas carols

12/30-White Elephant Auction


President, Trace Hansen, led our meeting.

86 Optimists & guests:

  • Rachel Polston-guest and wife of Randy Polston.
  • Trevor Ross-guest of John Elliott.
  • Doug Blatz-guest of Rick Kerlin.
  • Jo Faulkner-guest of Josh Gordon.
  • Mark Terrell-guest of John Elliott.
  • Rick Swayne-guest of John Sullivan.
  • Coach Scott Erba.

Door Greeters:  Bill Katip.

Prayer:  Dr. David Haines.  We all are lifting up our brother and friend, Don Kenipe, for the passing of his wife Marilyn.

Pledge was given to the American flag.  

Promise yourself was said in unison.

Hail to Optimism was sung in unison. 

Birthday Honorees:  Happy Birthday to Mike Hall and Rick Kerlin!

Check Presentation: 

Jenny Lucht presented a check to Coach Scott Erba in the amount of $300 from the club.  The Money will go towards the Elementary Cross Country Mile program.   

Committee Reports:

  • Art Gakstatter gave a recap for Spooktacular. He said it was a great turnout and he recognized all of the volunteers who helped make it successful this year! 


Last week, Jeff Owens inducted:

  • Jill Boggs-sponsored by John Elliott.

This week, Jerry Titus inducted:

  • Jo Faulkner-sponsored by Josh Gordon.
  • Jim Smith-sponsored by Tony Ciriello.

Welcome to the club Jill, Jo and Jim!  

Pam Galloway conducted:

  • 3rd Reading:
    • Doug Blatz-sponsored by Rick Kerlin.
  • 1st Reading:
    • Mark Terrell-sponsored by John Elliott.
    • Trever Ross-sponsored by John Elliott.

CEO Report:  None today. 

Committee Reports:

  • Art Gakstatter gave a recap on the Spooktackular event. It was another great turn out this year.  Art recognized Jennifer Pyle for all of her efforts and thanked all of volunteers in the club as well.
  • Ron Chambers reminded everyone about a Club Visitation with the Warsaw Noon Club. It will be held on November 9th at noon over at the Grace College Cafeteria.  Let Ron know if you would like to attend.


  • November 28th our club will be ringing the Salvation Army Bells from 9-5pm at Kmart and Walmart. More details to come on signing up.
  • Trina Hoy announced Big Brothers Big Sisters annual Year End Event will be held on Wednesday, November 11th and she is passing around a sign-up sheet for members who want to attend and sit at the Warsaw Breakfast Optimist Club Table that our club sponsored.
  • Coach Kessler announced a technical foul on Cancer, YOU ARE OUT!  Officer Terry Polston Hoops for Hope will be held on November 13 & 14th.  They are looking for sponsorships.  If you are interested please contact Coach K.

Sheriff’s Report: None today.

50/50:  Trace Hansen was today’s winner!

Videos:  None today. 

Sergeants-at-Arms:  None today. 


Randy Polston presented to the group this morning.  Randy shared an experience he and his wife, Rachel, had discovering the Oregon Trail.  They traveled and explored a path that was taken by 400,000 pioneers starting back to 1934.  He showed pictures, history, and added a flare of comedy to the mix.  It was very interesting and educational.  Thank you for sharing Randy, wonderful job!


  • Invite a guest next week.
  • Clean up tables.
  • Next Week’s Program: Veterans Day Singers.

Have a safe and very Optimist Week!