Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Future Dates
11/26 unload Christmas Trees
11/27 – 12/19 Christmas Tree sales
12/4 – 12/20 Santa House
12/11 & 12 Hoops for Hope
12/19 Salvation Army bell ringing
12/19 H O W house raffle
02/12 Oratorical Contest
69 Optimists & 12 guests attended our meeting: Matt Voss guest of Juergen Voss; Keegan & Kamden Tom guests of Angie & Kyle Tom; Aaron Rovenstine guest of Rocky Goshert; Bill Bibler, Marilyn Homme, David King, Dave Robison, Kathy Wilcox guests of club; Troy Akers guest of Tracy Horrell; ; Troy Tom guest of Jeff Owens; Chuck Bingham guest of Dr David Haines. Door Greeters: Dr. KT Kishan & Coach Jim Kessler. Prayer was offered by Marvin Miller. Pledge was given to the American Flag. Promise yourself was said in unison. Birthday Hon-orees: Bart Templeton. Martin Becker led the cub scouts with ―prepared‖ results. Mystery Person Marvin Miller reported 7 people shook his hand.
Prayer List: Steve Wilson’s family at the passing of his daughter, Megan. Jeff Shaw’s family: Angie (who serves us Wednesday mornings); son, Nickolas; & daughter, Isabella Shaw. Bill Hilliard is treated 3 days on followed by 2 weeks off. He goes in this week. This will be 5 of 6 cycles. Daniel Elliott’s follow-up consists of 3 shots of chemo a week until Oct 2010. He can do these at home, He is working some & his ap-petite is better. Gene & Maxine Groninger are home. Gene’s new phone is 989-488-7079. Maxine’s is 989-488-0454.
Membership: Everett Nifong read Aaron Roven-stine’s 2nd, Chuck Bingham, Troy Tom, Troy Akers, Steve Ferber’s 1st readings. Rocky Goshert spon-sored Aaron, Dr. David Haines sponsored Chuck, Jeff Owens sponsored Troy Tom, Tracy Horrell sponsored Troy Akers, Bob Jackson sponsored Steve. Past Pres. Jeff Owens inducted Steve Miller. Trina Hoy sponsored Steve.
Luke Becknell reported we raised $467 plus canned food for our Salvation Army.
Merl Heckaman is looking for help ringing the bell for Salvation Army Dec 19 at Wal-Mart.
Harry Gigous thanked all who helped set up the Christmas Tree lot.
Santa House opens 12/4. Sign up to work with Trina Hoy, Jane Greene, Tammy Keirn & Angie Tom. Santas are still needed.
Christmas Tree Sales: Past Pres. Jim Reeve an-nounced we will eat at Grandma’s Family Restaurant Thanksgiving morning at 6am before unloading trees around 7 or 7:30am at Petro’s GM.
Craig Allebach thanked all who worked the Kringle Fest.
Safe Assured ID: Trace Hansen thanked those who enrolled 30 kids at Kringle Fest.
Coach Jim Kessler announced this year’s Terry Pol-ston, Hoops for Hope will be Dec 11 at 6 & 8pm & Dec 12 at 1 & 3pm. Proceeds go to the Kosciusko County Cancer Care Fund. Sponsorships are avail-able at $500, $250, $100 levels.
Jeff Owens announced our Oratorical Contest is Feb. 12 at Rodeheaver. Jeff Owens is looking for a co-chair & sponsors. Call Jeff to co-chair or sponsor. A sponsor is needed now, so the brochures can be printed.
Stacey Cox saluted: Ken Anderson, joined 1990, has 19 years perfect attendance, heads our Triathlon Finish Line, past board member, & our Halloween show. Jim Hayes, joined 1989, has 9 years perfect attendance, does our PowerPoint, works on our di-rectory, badge box, Triathlon Registration, Santa House sound system, & is a past board member. Stacey needs stories on John Elliott & Tracy Horrell for next week.
Sherriff Bill Landrigan encouraged us to call John Fussle at 574-904-1256.
Sergeant-at-Arms: Kamden Tom sang a turkey song.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Pfc Dwight Kohler – Army – Korea
Next Week: Motivational speaker, Greg Jagger.
Program: Cub Scout cake auction. $360 was raised as we bought delicious treats.