Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Upcoming Events:
11/25-Boy Scouts Bake Sale
12/2-Lifeline/Mark Terrell and Wrestling
12/9-WACC/Ronna Kawsky and Gymnastics
12/16-Kosciusko Cares/Marsha Carey
12/23-Christmas carols
12/30-White Elephant Auction
President, Trace Hansen, led our meeting.
All members who have served were recognized and applauded in honor of Veterans Day!
104 Optimists & guests:
- Nathan Polston-guest and son of Randy Polston.
- Josh Finch-guest of Tony Ciriello.
- Kip Tom-guest and Father-In Law of Angie Tom.
- Neal Butler & Thomas Eck were guests this morning.
- WCS High School Orchestra
- Coach Anthony Debrota and Boys Swim & Dive
Door Greeters: Rick Kerlin & Rich Haddad.
Prayer: Fred Nieter.
Pledge was given to the American flag.
Promise yourself was said in unison.
Hail to Optimism was sung in unison.
Birthday Honorees: Happy Birthday to Fred Nieter, Ann Sweet, Mike Gavin, Craig Snow and Dave Hoffert!
Check Presentation: None today.
Pam Galloway conducted:
- 2nd Reading:
- Mark Terrell-sponsored by John Elliott.
CEO Report:
Jennifer Pyle announced-Josh Gordon.
Member since-Spring of 2003.
Anniversary-April 19, 2008.
Children-(3) Abigail is 5, Katelyn is 3, and William is an infant.
Pets-Cows and barn cats.
City of residence-Warsaw since 2007.
Occupation-Commercial Lender for Old National Bank.
Hobbies-Buying, selling and showing Jersey Dairy Cows.
Burning Desire-To travel with his family.
Key to Success-Being honest and straight forward.
Something nobody knows-Nationally recognized dairy cattle judge. He has judged in 7 states and the Western National Jersey show.
Favorite Optimist Memory-Selling Christmas trees with many Optimists. Great time with Dr. Thallemer, he told me that I should have a big family. It will be twice the heartache, but three times the fun. Also selling trees with Dr. Rich and Jason sharing his hobby with me.
Thank you Josh, for everything you do to help the club! You are appreciated!
Committee Reports:
- Officer Terry Polston Hoops for Hope-Coach Kessler gave a recap on the event. It was a lot of fun, Grace won and we had several attended to help raise money!
- Frank Gross stepped in for Merl today and had the signup sheet for ringing the Salvation Army bells at Kmart and Walmart on Saturday, November 28th from 9am-5pm.
- Andrew O’connell updated us on the Santa House. He said they are moving on Nov. 30th and they are still in need of Santas.
- Jen Pyle announced that the Chamber awards nominations are due by November 20th this year. Please make sure you give your nominations to her for Man & Woman of the Year, Employer of the Year, Government Excellence, Dimensions of Excellence and Young Adult Professional. We have had several award recipients from our Club and recognized those that have been awarded in the past.
- Harry Gigous reminded everyone that next week will be the Cub Scout Cake Auction so bring your money to purchase baked items. Proceeds go to support the Pack#3729.
- Reminder the Club needs YOUR help. We are looking for:
- Members to help with the Program Committee for next year.
- Jim Hayes is looking for some help on the slides for the weekly meetings as well as the Certificates next year.
Sheriff’s Report: Harry Gigous provided a report and was happy to announce Toni Derry was present this morning! Welcome back Toni!
50/50: Bill Crane was today’s winner!
Videos: None today.
Sergeants-at-Arms: Joel Wihebrink, Tim Hamman, and Robert Bishop entertained us:
$1 Fine:
- Ethan on the Swim/Dive team was recognized for attending Dartmouth College in New Hampshire for swimming and being 1st in his class.
- Harry Gigous for not wearing his name badge.
- Fred Neiter contributed $0.10/year for his 87th Birthday today.
- Katip for hosting the Business Forum at Grace College yesterday. He also recognized Alan Grossnickle for being in charge of the event.
- Kip Tom for running for Congress.
- Jim Walmer for his picture in the paper. He also gave a Happy $1 for his grandson’s running time for 3 miles in cross country in IL last week.
- Sam Whitaker for his Murderer over a wet floor joke.
- Jerry Titus gave Bill Landrigan his red tie that he dug up last week.
- Denny Andrews and Millie Andrews were in the paper for graduating the Citizens Police Academy, which is a 10 week program and very educational.
Happy $1:
- Alan & Jenny Lucht both gave in honor of their 9th Wedding Anniversary today!
The WCS Orchestra performed this morning for the program. They did a wonderful job! Thank you all for sharing your talents with our club!
- Invite a guest next week.
- Clean up tables.
- Next Week’s Program: Boy Scouts Bake Sale
- Quote: “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is pole who have come alive.” Howard Thurman.
Have a safe and very Optimist Week!