Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Future Dates
11/18 Grace Wind Ensemble
11/24 W L Cub Scouts Cake Auction & WCHS Basketball Teams
11/27 ring bell for Salvation Army
11/30 Great HS Whodunit
Dec. – Santa House
Dec . – Owens Christmas Trees
80 Optimists & 9 guests attended our meeting: Tracey Rose guest of Trina Hoy; Lisa Cassel guest of Mary Ellen Jordan; Rick Paczkowski & Rachel Gras-mick from Hospice; Dennis Reeve from the Noon Op-timists; Shannon Wentz guest of Trace Hansen; Wesley Craig, Harrison Green, & Eric Smolen from Octagon. Door Greeters: Trina Hoy & Mitch Goon.
Prayer was offered by John Sullivan. Pledge was given to the American Flag. Promise yourself was said in unison. Birthday Honoree: John Sullivan & Tonya Welsh. Martin Becker led us with timed re-sults.
Prayer List: Jim Bricker’s family at the passing of his step-father. Tracy Horrell’s father is in the hospital. Marilyn Kenipe’s upcoming back surgery.
Membership: Past Pres. Jeff Owens inducted Chuck Kane & Ann Sweet. Scott Whitaker read Lisa Cassel’s application. Sponsors are John Burtoft for Chuck, Trina Hoy for Ann, & Mary Ellen Jordan for Lisa.
Angie Tom asked us to sign up to work the Santa House. This year it is downtown the 1st weekend of December & at K-Mart the next 2 weekends. Thanks to Art Gakstatter & his helpers for moving it twice as often this year. Angie, Jane Greene, Tammy Keirn, & Trina Hoy are organizing the house.
Past Pres. Bob Jackson reported around $2,000 was raised at this year’s Hoops For Hope tournament. for the Kosciusko County Cancer Care Fund.
Dr. Steve Hollar invited us to the Great High School Whodunit fundraiser for the WHS PTA on 11/30 at 7pm at the Warsaw H.S. Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $20.
Ot Schroeder & Jerry Clevenger, thanked Bob Jack-son, & Mitch Goon for working with Octagon. Eric Smolen, Harrison Green, & Wesley Craig reported the many projects the 90+ club members have done.
Luke Becknell collected our canned goods & dona-tions for cleaning supplies for Salvation Army. Last week around $300 was donated.
Merl Heckaman is looking for help ringing the bell for Salvation Army. Our day is Nov. 27.
Owen’s is donating $5 per Christmas Tree we sell the 1st 3 weekends after Thanksgiving. Ot Schroe-der & Harry Gigous thanked those who helped set up. Help is needed at noon 11/19 to unload trees.
President Joel Wihebrink led us in thanking Gregory Houlton, Hugh Eagan, & Allegra Printing for printing our directories at no cost!
Dennis Reeve sold poinsettias for the Noon Club.
Martin Becker invited us to the Grace Community Wind Ensemble ―Dance to the Music‖ concert 11/18 at 7:30pm at the Warsaw HS Performing Arts Center.
President Joel Wihebrink reminded us to bring money for the Winona Lake Cub Scout home baked sale Nov 24.
Sergeant-at-Arms: Jeff Owens, Max Mock, Denny Andrews & Dr. David Haines entertained us. Trace Hansen is engaged to Shannon Wentz. Dr. Steve Hollar is the new President of the Indiana Dental Board. Merl Heckaman watched John Sullivan & Don Reinholt get their deer. We told Dr Steve Hollar the movie Hoosiers is now a classic. We laughed at the parts Dr. David Haines, Rich Haddad, & Dr. Steve Hollar have in the H.S. WhoDunIt. Those not wearing their Optimist pins were fined. 50/50: Dr. Haines gave his $21 winnings to the canned food drive.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
2nd Lt Jacob Sweatland – Army Ranger
Program: Rick Paczkowski & Rachel Grasmick told us of the touching work of our Kosc. Home Care & Hospice.