Wednesday, May 9, 2018
Attendance: 109
Greeters: Larry Bishop and Ron Henry
Invocation: Troy Akers
Guests (Hosts): Olivia Kmieciak (Randy Polston), Shane Bucher (Kyle Dukes), Matt Tague (Andrew O’Connell), Cory Benz (Jason Gergely)
1st Reading: Matt Tague (Andrew O’Connell)
Birthdays: Jeff Crawford, George Paton, Travis McConnell, Vickie Lootens
Golf Outing: Everett Nifong announced tee sponsors and outing sponsors are still needed. He also asked club members to consider donating items for door prizes or for goodie bags to be handed out to golfers at the June 14th event.
Triathlon: Paula Deming – Volunteers are needed for the upcoming triathlon on June 30th.
Car Show: Dr. Jenny Lucht – door prizes are still needed for the May 20th Car Show. More volunteers are also welcome.
Club 60th Birthday Party, to be held the evening of September 26 at the Winona Heritage Room. Flashback photo of the day was Joe Wilke in full football uniform and pose.
Club Election: Tony Ciriello called for nominations for club officers and board positions. The election will be next week at the club meeting.
CEO Report: Brittany Petersen interviewed Jennifer Dorman. Jennifer who was originally from Columbia City move to the Warsaw area in 1996 for an accounting position after graduating from Ball State.
50/50: $107 with $53 to the winner, Dirk Sommers
Sergeants at Arms: Brooke Hamstra, Gina Voelz, Jeff Owens, Sam Whitaker – Highlights included Jennifer Dorman being fined for giving the shortest CEO report in recent memory, club members who ran for office were recognized, hunters who missed club meetings to go turkey hunting were fined
Program: Studebaker National Museum: Its History, Present, and Future by Aaron Warkenstine, Curator
- Studebaker museum was able to get its start because the Studebaker Corporation preserved its own history collecting examples of the vehicles they manufactured
- 90% of the original collection is owned by the city of South Bend and cared for by the museum
- In 2005, a new building was built to house the museum but the facility is now in need of expansion
- The museum houses the first and last Studebakers ever made from buggies to the final models which were produced in Canada
- A number of vehicles associated with famous people are in the collection including the carriage that Lincoln rode in on the way to Ford’s Theater where he was assassinated
- The museum houses more than cars, it preserves the industrial history of South Bend and Mishawaka
Next Week’s Program: The Cole Porter Festival and the Optimist Singers