Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Upcoming Events:


5/13-WCHS Band

5/20-Memorial Day Singers

5/27-Plymout Speedway/Iris Saunders


6/3-Reinventing Yourself and Business/Damian Mason

6/10-Riley Champion/Camille Kerlin

6/17-First Source Bank/Chris Murphy

6/24-Triathlon Bags


7/1-KCH Health Update/Jay de los Reyes

7/8-Warsaw Times-Union/Gary Gerard


President Rick Kerlin led our meeting.

96 Optimists & guests:

  • Dave Mitchell-guest of Tony Ciriello.
  • Ryan & Neena Burgher-guest of KT Kishan.
  • Joel Kerns-guest of Jen Pyle.
  • Travis McConnell-guest of Trina Hoy.
  • Carla Carlson-guest of Lyle Enyeart.
  • Octagon Members.

Door Greeters: George Brennan & Andrew O’Connell.

Prayer:  Merl Heckaman.

Pledge was given to the American flag.  

Promise yourself was said in unison.

Hail to Optimism was sung in unison. 

Birthday Honorees:  Don Reinholt, Merl Heckaman, Jennifer Dorman and Josh Gordon. Happy Birthday!

Check Presentation:  Akash Jain presented presented a $300.00 check to Jim Reeve for the Cub Scouts of Kosciusko county.

Committee Reports:

  • 6th Annual Car Show will be on May 17th.
  • Golf Outing will be June 18th @ Stonehenge.
  • Triathlon will be held June 27th. 


Juergen Voss inducted:

  • Dennis Williams-sponsored by Jim Kessler and Ann Sweet.

Mike Cox conducted:

  • 1st Reading
    • Travis McConnell-sponsored by Trina Hoy.
  • 2nd Reading
    • David Mitchell-sponsored by Tony Ciriello.
  • 3rd Reading
    • Carla Carlton-sponsored by Lyle Enyeart.

CEO Report:

Jen Pyle announce Marty Becker.

Member since March 6, 1991.

Wife-Judy, Children-Daughters Melissa and Carrie, son in laws Mark and Jacob.

Grandchildren-Madison 13, Maxwell 4, and Hank 9.


City of residence-Warsaw for 30 years.

Occupation-Retired Director of Band Warsaw Community Schools.  Director of the Grace College Wind Ensemble, Lake Area Community Band Tour Director for Music Travel Consultants in Indianapolis, Director of the Optimist Singers.

Hobbies-Golf, travel, listening to music.

Burning Desire-Get a hole in one playing golf someday.

Keys to success-Look for the positive in every situation and each individual.

Honors-Indiana Bandmaster of the Year 1994, Elected to Band Directors Hall of Fame 2010, Just announced as 2015 as one of 5 Michiana Educators of the Year.

Something nobody know-He ran a 4:@7 mile as a senior in high school at the State Track meet in Ohio.

Favorite Optimist Memory-Working with Phil Eherenman and working on the Commission. Music to honor Phil’s legacy and Optimism example AND teaching the Optimist Singers a song called Ding a Ding a Ding!

Thanks so much for sharing Marty and we appreciate ALL you do for the club!


  • Ot Schroeder gave an update on the New Member Orientation last week.
  • Brooke Hamstra asked members to please visit the link:, select our videos (Club Showcase and 30 Second Challenge), VOTE, and share on Facebook or Twitter to help get the message out so we can win the Video Competition!
  • Invoices went out.
  • Please add to your safe sender email list!
  • Are you on Facebook, be sure you go to our page ( and “Like Us.”

50/50:  Art Gakstatter was the winner of the $99 pot this morning!

Videos:  None.    

Sergeants-at-Arms:  Jeff, Bob and Steve entertained us:

  • $1 Charge:
    • KT Kishan voted yes.
    • Acknowledgment and appreciation for Trina Hoy for all she does for the club in taking photos, being present at events and publicizing our involvement. Thanks so much Trina!
    • Trina Hoy for winning the election, it’s not about the quality it’s about the votes!
    • Andrew O’ Connell biggest flag shirt, we salute you.
    • Will Thrasher had a baby boy, Walter Montgomery weighed 8 lbs and 11 oz.
    • Dennis Williams when inducted said he sees experience, which Jeff said means he sees bald guys or grey hair.
    • Jenny Lucht worst talkers are ex-teachers.
    • Several where charged for wearing white before Memorial Day.
  • 5 Questions:
    • Brenda Bricker
      • Tea/Coffee = Tea.
      • Ham/Bacon = Bacon.
      • Flip flops/Socks = Flip flops.
      • Club participation = Fall decorations.
      • InOut Burger/Culvers = Culvers.
  • $Optimistic $1:
    • Max Mock announced his first grandson was born, Julian Alexander and he weighed 10 lbs 8 oz.
    • Trace Hansen thankful for his brother’s two brain surgeries and all the prayers and support from our club.
    • Akash Jain said his daughter’s Sweater Project is continuing to go great and he appreciates the club’s support.
    • Juergen Voss thanked the club for the out pouring of support in the election. 


Ryan Burgher presented about Agaitas and their success in helping kids learn about God through different sports camps.  Their mission is:  Agaitas is in existence to reach out to people- without expectations, through any means. We pray and believe that God will bless the little we have to offer to help a magnitude of people (John 6:5-15).  Our goal is to LOVE (agape), because we know the TRUTH (veritas) ((Luke 10:27)).  What a wonderful organization for our community.  Thank you for sharing with our club today!

For more information “Like” them on Facebook:


  • Invite a Guest.
  • Clean up tables.
  • Next Week’s Program: WCHS Band.
  • Quote: “Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow.” –Helen Keller.

Have a very Optimist Week!