Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Call to Order: 7:00 a.m.
Attendance: 99
Greeters: Tim Hamann and Joel Wihebrink
Invocation: Alan Lucht
Guests: Willa Henry guest of Ron Henry
Birthdays: Bill Landrigan, Milly Andrews, Jason Rich, and Andy Swihart
By-Laws Revisions: Motion to approve the by-law edits as presented was made by Jeff Owens. Second by David “Doc” Haines. Motion Carried.
Golf Outing: June 14th right around the corner. If you have a team Everett Nifong needs player names and payment ASAP. Please email Everett at:
Triathlon: June 30th – volunteer board is up and many are needed. Receive a T-shirt if volunteer. See Paula Deming for more information.
Car Show Update – Alan and Jenny Lucht thank all who participated in this event – before, during, and after.
Membership Report: None
CEO Report by Brittany Petersen: Pam Galloway – club member since 2013
Sheriff Report: None
Sergeant-at-Arms: Jeff – Gina – Sam
Happy Dollar by Joel Wihebrink brought attention to Fred Nieter’s recent honoring as a veteran. On May 23 Fred and his escort, along with 81 other veterans went on the Honor Flight of Northeast Indiana. They flew out of Fort Wayne at 6:00 a.m. and returned same day at 11:00 p.m. The club recognized Fred and the other 81 veterans who joined him with a standing ovation. Fred asked that the following message be shared in the club newsletter: “Thanks to all who wrote notes and letters that you sent for me to receive on the return flight from Washington. The thoughts and personal notes are very much appreciated. I have confessed to some that I have feelings of guilt for receiving all of the recognition that is really deserved by those thousands of guys who will not be coming home. And the standing “O” from the club really touched me. I am not used to that kind of attention and didn’t quite know how to handle it! Thanks gang!”
Program: ABC Industries – world wide reach with ducting products with airports; mining ventilation; textile fabrics, and more.
Next Week’s Program (June 6): The Indiana State Fair Agricultural Story: Cindy Hoye, Fair Director
Adjournment by President Steve Hollar: 8:06 a.m.