Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Future Dates
6/5 Wed. Diane McGarvey/ Producer of a Hollywood movie being made in Kosciusko County
6/12 Wed. Tracie Hodson / Beaman Home
6/13 Thur. Optimist Golf Outing / Stonehenge
6/19 Wed. Ashlynn Fawley / Red Cross
6/21 Fri. Baker Youth Club Golf Outing / Rozella Ford
6/26 Wed. Assemble Triathlon bags
6/29 Sat. Triathlon
7/3 Wed. Optimist Scholarship Recipients
7/4,5,6 Thur.-Sat. Optimist International Conference in Cincinnati
7/10 Wed. no meeting / County Fair
7/17 Wed. Jane Wear / Cardinal Center
7/24 Wed. Ronna Kawsky / Warsaw Area Career Center
7/24 Wed. Warsaw Community Schools Girls Soccer / Peter Lucht
7/31 Wed. Angie Wood / Heartline
7/31 Wed. Warsaw Community Schools Football / Phil Jensen
8/2 Fri. Big Wheel Race
8/7 Wed. Jay Tate / Safe Assured ID demo
8/7 Wed. Warsaw Community Schools Cheerleading / Kari Doty
8/14 Wed. Rich Haddad / K21 Health Foundation
8/14 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Girls Golf / Chris LaLonde
8/21 Wed. Lorinda Kline / WCS Professional Learning Community Coach
8/21 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Volleyball / Michael Howard
8/28 Wed. Shirley Fetrow / Family Safety Day
9/4 Wed. Greenways / Tim Dombrosky & Staci Young
9/11 Wed. Dave Anson / Athletic Director WCHS
9/11 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Boys & Girls Cross Country / Jim Mills & Scott Erba
9/18 Wed. Laurie Schotz / WCHS PAC
9/18 Wed. Boys Golf / Ben Barkey
10/2 Wed. Amanda Lopez / Foster Parenting
10/9 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Student Council
10/9 Wed. Boys Soccer / Scott Bauer
10/16 Wed. Danielle Robertson / Wagon Wheel
10/23 Wed. Ben Barkey & Tom Ray / Washington STEM
10/23 Wed. Boys Tennis / Rick Orban
10/30 Wed. Eisenhower Robotics Club
11/20 Wed. Warsaw Community Schools Symphony / Blue Apron dessert
12/4 Wed. Brad Hagg / Warsaw Community High School CTO
12/11 Wed. Girls Basketball / Michelle Harter
1/8/14 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Gymnastics & Wrestling / Andi Calhoun & Justin Smith
1/15/14 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Girls Swim & Dive / Nate Long
1/22/14 Wed. Warsaw Community Schools Symphony
1/29/14 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Boys Swim & Dive / Nate Long
2/5/14 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Boys Basketball / Doug Ogle
3/26/14 Wed. Warsaw Community Schools Chief Accountability Officer David Hoffert
9/10/14 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Athletics / Dave Anson
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
96 Optimists & 6 guests attended our meeting. Ivan Schuler was the guest of Noel Hoke; Heather King was the guest of Dan Metzger; Willa Henry was the guest of Ron Henry; Carson Kerlin was the guest of Jim Reeve; Joe Hawn was the guest of Scott Whitaker; & Paul Heaton was the guest of Sam Whitaker.
Door Greeters: Mitch Goon & Everett Nifong.
Prayer: Ron Henry led us in prayer.
Pledge was given to the American flag.
Promise yourself was said in unison.
Birthday Honorees: Bill Landrigan, Akash Jain, & Kelsi Griffith. Martin Becker led us in the birthday song with our usual results.
Membership: Past President Jeff Owens’ assistant Abisha Varatharaj read Jenna Secrist’s & Heather King’s applications. Past President. Ron Henry inducted Andrea Nichols & Abisha Varatharaj. Past Gov. Ron Donkers, Dr. KT Kishan, Joel Wihebrink, & Dan Metzger sponsored Andrea, Abisha, Jenna, & Heather.
Sheriff & Deputy of Attendance Bill Landrigan and Harry Gigous celebrated our attendance of 102 the last week.
Downtown Car Show: Co-Chairs John Elliott & Art Gakstatter thanked those who worked. We gave a well-deserved ovation to John & Art. They reported $11,641.10 (including $400 in accounts receivable) was raised. This is almost $2,000 more than last year.
Scout Pack 3736 Leader Sheri Reeve, Past Lt. Gov. Jim Reeve, Eisenhower Stacey Page Reporter Carson Kerlin, & Wyatt Klinger donated $100 of the $375 they made at our Car Show to us.
President Elect Everett Nifong reported on our Golf Outing on Thursday, June 13, 2013 at Stonehenge. Let Everett know if you think you will have a team. Toyota of Warsaw is sponsoring our Hole-In-One. Brochures are by the badge box. Florida scramble cost is $425 per foursome, including golf, cart, lunch, and driving range. Tee sponsorship is $100. A foursome and tee sponsorship is $500. Gold sponsorships are $1,000. For more information: or call 574-551-9145. Mike Cusick is looking for door prizes and goody bag gifts. Around 120 goody bags will be made. It would be nice to have a door prize for each golfer.
Triathlon: Past Gov. Ron Donkers reported the T-shirts have been ordered. So far we have 207 participants have signed up. The date has been changed to theSaturday JUST BEFORE the 4th of July. It will be Saturday, June 29, 2013. This year in addition to a short swim after the traditional participants, there will be kid’s races for kids who are 11 to 12 or 13 to 14. We will need everyone to work this to pull it off.
Troy Akers invited us to Boomerang Backpacks Golf Outing on Monday, June 17 at Tippecanoe Lake Country Club at 8 a.m. The cost is $400 per foursome including lunch. Sponsorships are available from $100 to $5,000. See Mark Cockroft (260)413-2507 or Gary Furlow (260) . Boomerang Backpacks provides food over the weekends for at risk kids in the Warsaw, Wawasee, & Tippecanoe Valley school districts.
President Tracy Furnivall invited us to Baker Youth Club’s Golf Outing on Friday, June 21 at Rozella Ford. Florida Scramble cost is $280 per foursome, including golf, cart, lunch, and snacks. Hole sponsorship is $150.
Bart Templeton is looking for door greeters. See him to sign up.
Joe Wilkey reported World Compassion Network is sending its giant generator, food, & water to Oklahoma. Alan Lucht will be working on logistics.
Coach Scott Erba introduced us to the Warsaw Community High School Girls Track & Field team. Elise White, Belen Garcia, Tatiana Castillo, Sarah Ray, Emily Stouder, Ashley Erba, Samantha Jensen, Nicole Brackett, & Jamie Lacheta. They are headed to the State Finals May 31. There are several 4 year letter winners on the team. Their 4 year record is 37 & 2, with a NLC record of 28 & 0. They are the NLC champions 8 years straight.
Please pray for our Troops and Families: Nick Walz – Marines
Sergeants-at-Arms: John Elliott and Everett Nifong entertained us.
Mitch Goon’s son Chad Goon perfect school attendance helped him win a car!
Past President Ron Henry & Willa Henry are celebrating their 55th anniversary. They must have had their parents sign for them.
It was pointed out to Police Chief Scott Whitaker that there is a new stop light to collect at on 30.
Officer Paul Heaton was congratulated on his fast work catching the out-of towners who vandalized long time Optimist Bill Aguilar’s business.
Dr. Craig Hintz was asked to explain what “poor academic judgment” is. This is something that happened outside of our area. None of our kids would do anything like that.
It was pointed out to Andrea Nichols that she already has the outfit to park cars at our Triathlon.
Adam Turner was noted for his work for Habitat for Humanity.
Rick Kerlin was noticed looking over Mayor Dr. Joe Thallemer’s and Past Lt. Gov. Mary Ellen Jordan’s great work at the grand opening of our new City Hall.
Our newest members were asked to turn in the dirt on themselves to our Sergeants, so they can be fined. Our Sergeants sound like they are in management. We know better than to shoot ourselves in the our own foot.
Dave Metzger is proud of Scott Whitaker for finishing his first marathon.
Program Chair Akash Jain is proud of his daughter, Ananaya Jain for winning the district D.A.R. competition.
David Benning is going to see his oldest grandchild graduate from high school.
Past Lt. Gov. Mary Ellen Jordan is proud of her youngest son for graduating from Basic Training.
2012 Indiana State Superintendent of the Year and Warsaw Community Schools Superintendent Dr. Craig Hintz reported on our Straight A School Corporation. Dr. Hintz credited our own Dan Metzger and other WCS Board Members for their leadership in our great school corporation.
Our mission is to inspire and equip all students to continuously acquire and apply knowledge and skills while pursuing their dreams and enriching the lives of others.
2009-2010: Commitment to Community
2010-2011: Building a Community of Excellence
2011-2012: Thriving in our Learning Community
2012-2013: Moving Our Mission Forward
WCS’s Core Planning Team did their Annual Update May 22 – 23, 2013 led by Internal Coordinator Amy Sivley
Core Values – We believe that:
Everyone has value.
Every individual has something to contribute.
Learning enriches life.
Honesty, integrity, and trust are fundamental to thriving relationships.
Embracing diversity strengthens community.
People have life0changing power.
Giving time, talent, and resources is vital to the wellbing of the community.
Strategic Objectives – by 2017:
All students will develop and implement an annual plan where they invest their times and talents to serve others.
All students will express, plan and demonstrate progress toward their dreams.
All students will demonstrate growth and proficiency in alignment with district standards in the cources and programs in which they participate.
Strategies – We will:
Build collaborative relationships with the community to share our time, talent and resources to support our mission and strategic objectives.
Supplement core standards with additional district standards to align all offered courses and programs with our mission and strategic objectives.
Assure that all current and future staff understand, trust and contribute to our mission and strategic objectives.
Embrace and engage technologies as accelerators to achieve our mission and strategic opjectives.
Strategic Delimiters – We will not:
Adopt any new program or service unless it
Is aligned with and contributes to our mission.
Is accompanied by the resources needed for its implementation.
Allow past practice or tradition to interfere with the consideration of new ideas.
Core Planning Team re-affirmed the plan as approved by the Board of School Trustees in May, 2011
During the 2012-2013 school year the system achieved or worked on the following results:
Development of Academic Assessment Rubric
Establishing of an on going process of communicating with the community
Developing of a K-12 dream curriculum
Developing comprehensive internal communications process
Integration of digital literacy with common core standards and strategic objectives and mission statement
Student use of digital media for communication and collaboration
Adoption on the best approaches for students to give time, talent and resources to serve others
ALL Schools earned a grade letter A from the IDOE
The Corporation earned a grade letter A from the IDOE
164 Out of District Transfer Students
Opening of Claypool Early Learning Center
Theme Schools explored
Grand Opening of the Blue Apron Restaurant in the WACC
Riley Hospital Miracle Corporation
Effective Classroom Observation (ECO) training provided to our administrators by OrthoWorx ($100,000)
IDOE eLearning Grant ($16,000)
IDOE Math and Science Partnership Grant ($450,000)
(re)Defining Excellence Award from Solution Tree ($10,000+)
DEKKO Grant Funding Received ($40,000+)
Excellence in Performance Awards for Teachers Grant ($435,000)
Warsaw Education Foundation Red Apple Grants received ($19,417)
Full Day Kindergarten in our eight elementary schools
After School Violin program at Eisenhower Elementary School
Chess Club engages many students in WCS
Robotics clubs at Jefferson, Eisenhower and Washington
First year implementation of the Washington STEM Academy supported by IDOE into STEM Innovation Grant
First year of implementation for sixth grade band and strings
First year implementation of the Claypool Early Learning Center
Development of Standard-Based Report Cards
New “Exploration of World Language” (Chinese, French, Spanish and Latin)
Increased number of Robotics teams involved in competition
Monthly World Language Club
Implementation of Technology Class (STEM related) at Edgewood Middle School
Success Coaches
New Courses in 2012-2013
Chinese II
Dance II
Algebra Enrichment
Medical Terminology
Technology Internship
Computer Manufacturing and Bio Engineering
Fire Rescue I
Culinary Arts
New Courses for 2013-2014
Engineering Robotics III and IV
Design Fundamentals
Business Math
Technical/Business Communications
Computer Science, AP
Human and Social Services
Intro to Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
Chinese III
Psychology of the Exceptional Learner
Strategic Plan
Professional Learning Communities
PLC Steering Committee
Data Workshop
Balanced Literacy/Guided Reading
Math In Focus
Benchmark Literacy
Effective Classroom Observation (ECO)
Focus/Theme Schools
“We imagine the edge of chaos as a place where there is enough innovation to keep a living system vibrant and enough stability to keep it from collapsing into anarchy.” –Michael Crichton
Positive change comes from the Creative Tension of going from Where You Started (What was, Past practice, Habit, Tradition) to Our Desired future (Your mission, Your purpose, Shift in culture, Requires leadership) by having the right amount of tension (incremental progress, celebrate briefly, eye on the prize). Progress is measured in years.
Compensation Model for Teachers
Focus on STEM through partnerships with OrthoWorx and the orthopedic companies
Addition of two new preschool classrooms (Leesburg and Claypool)
Capital Campaign (Referendum)
Capital Building Project