Wednesday, May 28, 2014
6/11 Wed. Mudlove Kyle Garberson
6/11 Wed. Review Cruise-In (after club meeting)
6/16 Mon. Boomerang Backpack Golf Outing
6/18 Wed. Guy Fisher / Goodwill Career Center
6/19 Thur. Optimist Golf Outing
6/25 Wed. Registration Packets for Triathlon
6/28 Sat. Triathlon
7/2 Wed. Rebecca Bazzoni / Jacobs Ladder
7/9 Wed. Christon Clark / Habitat for Humanity
7/16 Wed. Mayor Dr. Joe Thallemer / State of the City
7/23 Wed. Warsaw Area Career Center / Ronna Kawsky
7/23 Wed. Cheerleaders
7/30 Wed. Paragon
8/1 Fri. Penguin Point and Optimist Big Wheel Race
8/6 Wed. Boys Soccer
8/8 Fri. Indiana North District Golf Outing
8/8 & 9 Fri. & Sat. Indiana North District Convention at Warsaw
8/13 Wed. Boys Cross Country
8/20 Wed. Boys Tennis
9/3 Wed. Girls Soccer
9/10 Wed. Girls Golf
9/10 Wed. WCHS Athletics / Dave Anson
9/17 Wed. Crystal Heckaman / Rachel’s Challenge – Friends of Rachel
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
President Everett Nifong led our meeting.
100 Optimists & 11 guests attended our meeting. Dr. Sarah Masterson was the guest of Mike Cox; Jennifer Tandy, Curt Hermann, Randy Polston, & Dr. David Hoffert were the guests of Dan Metzger; Matthew Mitchell was the guest of Martin Becker; Elaine Kramer was the guest of Roland Kramer; Will Thrasher was the guest of Doug Ogle; Dr. Susan Hintz was the guest of Dr. Craig Hintz; Kim Burkett & Lora Kuhaneck were the guests of Tracy Horrell.
Door Greeters: John Sullivan.
Prayer: Jim Nesbitt led us in prayer.
Pledge was given to the American flag.
Promise yourself was said in unison.
Martin Becker led us in singing Hail to Optimism.
Birthday Honorees: Millie Andrews, Kelsi Griffith, Bill Landrigan, & Dave Wolkins. Martin Becker led us in the birthday song with pretty good results.
Prayer Requests:
Rocky Goshert’s family at his father, Bill’s passing.
Larry Bishop’s continued recovery from ankle surgery.
Coach Jim Kessler’s granddaughter, Claudia’s recovery from eye surgery. She will have follow-up surgeries around early June and early July. Pray for comfort and patience for Claudia this spring and summer.
Membership: Membership Chair Kellie Malcolm read Scott Reust’s application. Scott is sponsored by Past Pres. Joel Wihebrink.
Thanks to Past Pres. Tracy Furnivall and Baker Youth Clubs for letting us use their projector.
Thanks to Gina Voelz for updating our Banner with our recent awards.
President Everett Nifong reported that over and above providing a great breakfast, Golden Corral is donating 100 meals for our students we invite to our meetings. Thanks to Golden Corral for their generosity!
Past Gov. Ron Donkers & Lt. Gov. John Sullivan reminded us of Optimist International Foundation’s Dime-A-Day fundraising program. Some of the overhead for things like the Oratorical and Essay contests at the district and higher levels are in need of funding. The higher level Oratorical Contest winner receives $2,500 and the higher level Essay Contest winner receives $500. As a larger club, we need to cover a large part of these costs. The Dime-A Day program is a great way to do this. Please send your $36.50 to Optimist International Foundation, Dime-A-Day Campaign, P.O. Box 952126, St. Louis, MO 63195. Make sure you put “club # 04555” in the memo section of your check. An even better way to do this is to use a form Ron has to have your card charged $3.05 per month on an ongoing basis. The forms are by the badge box.
Craig Nayrocker is looking for someone to take over writing our Optibullette newsletter. See Craig to find out more.
Happily Past Co-Chair John Elliott reported new Co-Chairs Dr. Jenny & Alan Lucht & Art Gakstatter are holding an important meeting after our June 11 club meeting. We will review this year’s Cruise-In for possible tweaks next year.
President Everett Nifong reminded us of our Golf Outing that will be Thursday, June 19 at Stonehenge. Registration begins at 11 a.m., lunch is at 11:30 a.m., and the Shotgun start is at 1 p.m. Cost is $440 per foursome including golf, cart, lunch, and driving range use. Please consider golfing, becoming a Tee Sponsor, donating a door prize or goody bag items. Tee Sponsorships are $100. Brochures are here and on our website. We have 22 to 25 teams signed up.
Triathlon Co-Chairman Past Gov. Ron Donkers reminded us we are in Triathlon preparation season. Co-Chair Luke Becknell highlighted some of the sub-chairs for our event. Millie Andrews is heading the Registration area. People can work this Friday afternoon, Friday evening, and/or Saturday morning. Jim Nesbitt, Marty Becker, & Ron Chambers head our parking team. These members can work another task after they park the cars. Past President Bob Jackson heads our Run team. Gary Tanner heads our Security team. Ken Anderson heads our Finish Line team. Past President Jeff Owens heads our Swim team. Mitch Goon heads our Bike team. Remember we all need to work our Triathlon. Our new members and our long term members all need to block off the last Saturday in June. We need to keep that open every year. This year it is June 28. Luke Becknell as our manpower chairman can connect anyone with a function that needs help. This year we will have youth races (11 & 12 year olds and 13 & 14 year olds, 15 year olds are with the adults) in addition to our usual event. This year Akash Jain is working with Jim Hayes on the database. Wow, we now have 2 “get-er-done” kind of guys doing this mountain of behind the scenes work!
Past Lt. Gov. Dr. David Haines provided our first post to our Year in Review series. It is featured on the front page of our website. Here is a direct link
President Everett Nifong asked us to keep an eye out for our 3rd quarter dues statements. They went out by e-mail May 11. Check your spam or junk file if it is not in your regular in-box.
Edgewood language arts teacher Kim Burkett and Tracy Horrell told us of seventh grade student Lora Kuhaneck. Lora is a standout student with a great future of service. Lora has been nominated for the Junior National Youth Leadership Conference this summer. The $2041.20 cost is due in full June 6. If you want to help Lora call her at 527-3698 or email or .
Eric Ohman reported the Warsaw Evangelical Presbyterian Church has 50 paid scholarships available to their Day Camp that runs from June 16 to 20. He asked us to introduce this opportunity to any family who has kids between Kindergarten through 5th grade.
George Paton brought a supply of booklets with discounts at Martin’s Supermarket. They are good through June of 2014. If anyone knows anyone who would benefit from these can distribute them.
The Walk-N-Wander display of sixteen life-size bronze sculptures by Seward Johnson is from June 6 to September 28.
Trina Hoy invited all to The Big Ride for Kid’s Sake to benefit Kosciusko County kids. It is August 2 with the proceeds go to Little Brothers & Little Sisters of our county. Registration is at 10 a.m. The cost is $20 per rider or $25 per rider and passenger. The 100-mile ride starts at The Bowling Alley. See Trina Hoy for more information.
Dave Meier announced our 34th Annual Big Wheel Race is Friday, August 1 at Center Lake Park. Registration starts at 5:45 p.m. Race is at 7 p.m. Thanks to Penguin Point for sponsoring the bicycles, trophies, and gift certificates.
Past Gov. Ron Donkers reported our Indiana North District Convention will be in Warsaw, Friday & Saturday, August 8th and 9th. There will be a fun Golf Outing on Friday the 8th.
Past Gov. Ron Donkers thanked Akash Jain for stepping up to help Jim Hayes with our database.
Troy Akers invited us to the 2nd Annual Boomerang Backpacks Golf Outing, Monday, June 16 at Tippecanoe Lake Country Club. It will help feed students from Warsaw, Wawasee, & Tippy Valley on the weekends. Cost is $400 for a foursome. Sponsorship opportunities are available. See Tracey Akers at .
Ralph Turner announced that Express Empoyment Professionals is collecting food at Combined Community Services on Saturday, June 14. You can drop off donations at 2612 Sheldon between Mondays and Fridays from 7:30 to 5:30. Go to for more information.
Sergeants-at-Arms: Luke Becknell, Trace Hansen, and Lyle Enyeart entertained us.
Kelsi Griffith was in the paper for her KLA activity.
We are to be commended. None of us had a problem in the Sobriety Test last weekend.
George Paton was recognized for Maritime Day.
Past Lt. Gov. Denny Andrews was recognized for Save Your Hearing Day.
Past President Joel Wihebrink was recognized for Sunscreen Day.
President Elect Rick Kerlin won the tap dancing contest for Tap Dancing Day.
It was noted that Josh Gordon has been promoted to Vice President at Old National Bank.
Our teachers were treated to the story about the young student who disagreed with the teacher.
President Elect Rick Kerlin was applauded for having the sense to not let Sergeant Lyle test drive the Mustang Cobra in his showroom.
Dr. Susan Hintz had a happy dollar for 2 reasons: Dr. Craig Hintz is retiring and they will see more of their 14 grandchildren. Our WCS Board picked the best person to step in as Superintendent, in Dr. David Hoffert.
Past President Ron Henry is celebrating his 56th anniversary.
Legendary Storyteller Fred Nieter is celebrating our Girls Track Team winning their Regional.
Art Gakstatter is grateful that Fred Nieter heard his mother after she fell. Fred rescued her. She will be 100 years old soon.
Joe Wilkey is proud of his niece, Barb Martz, for putting on the Cross Country Fundraiser.
Angie Tom commended Scott Whitaker on the professionalism of his patrolmen.
Warsaw Community School Board Member Dan Metzger introduced Dr. Craig Hintz who has been our Superintendent the last 5 years. He is finishing out 45 years in education. We are grateful he did not stop after 40 years. We have been blessed to have his leadership the last 5 years.
Dan reminded us of some of our School System’s accomplishments under Dr. Hintz’s leadership:
He led our Board and Corporation in developing our Strategic Plan.
Kindergarten Pre-school
Blue Apron Café
Mandarin Chinese
Gateway Education Center
STEM Academy
Increased AP classes
400+ increase in enrollment
Solid financial position
Dan emphasized that Dr. Hintz did a major contribution for our future as he mentored Dr. David Hoffert along as Dave worked hard on our curriculum.
Dan credited Dr. Hintz for helping the Board to make wise decisions.
Dr. Craig Hintz spoke about Warsaw Community Schools. Dr. Hintz led our Board and community leaders like Rick Kerlin as they spent several days and developed our Strategic Plan which starts with our Core Values that point to Our Mission, then our Strategic Objectives that are obtained by doing our Strategies and not doing our Strategic Delimiters.
Core Values
We believe that:
Everyone has value.
Every individual has something to contribute.
Learning enriches life.
Honesty, integrity, and trust are fundamental to thriving relationships.
Embracing diversity strengthens community.
People have life-changing power.
Giving of time, talent, and resources is vital to the well-being of the community.
Our Mission is to inspire and equip all students to continuously acquire and apply knowledge and skills while pursuing their dreams and enriching the lives of others.
Strategic Objectives
All students will develop and implement an annual plan where they invest their time and talents to serve others.
All students will express, plan and demonstrate progress toward their dreams.
All students will demonstrate growth and proficiency in alignment with district standards in the courses and programs in which they participate.
We will:
Build collaborative relationships with the community to share our time, talent and resources to support our mission and strategic objectives.
Supplement core standards with additional district standards to align all offered courses and programs with our mission and strategic objectives.
Assure that all current and future staff understand, trust and contribute to our mission and strategic objectives.
Embrace and engage technologies as accelerators to achieve our mission and strategic objectives.
Strategic Delimiters
We will not:
Adopt any new program or service unless it
Is aligned with and contributes to our mission.
Is accompanied by the resources needed for its implementation.
Allow past practice or tradition to interfere with the consideration of new ideas.
We are about to graduate over 500 students who have been equipped to apply knowledge and skills to enrich the lives of others. The Warsaw Times-Union has been very generous in their coverage of our schools. There have been numerous stories in the paper and stories around town of our students enriching the lives of others and acquiring knowledge.
WCS is an A School Corporation for a 2nd year in a row.
We are a diverse system. We have English Language learners from 27 different countries.
WCS aligns its budget with its Strategic Plan. After our Performing Arts Center was built, it was noticed that we had a dance floor and orchestra pit, but did not have the money for a dance program nor to teach strings. Under Dr. Hintz’s leadership WCS prioritized its dollars for the things that are important. We now have dance and strings programs.
WCS has partnered with many organizations in our community. Just a few are: OrthoWorx, Warsaw Education Foundation, WK Chamber of Commerce, Warsaw Police Department, our club and other service clubs, along with many more.
WCS has partnered with OrthoWorx to extend STEM to all our elementary schools through the new Mobile STEM Lab called “The Bus.”
Lorinda Kline has spearheaded the Professional Learning Communities PLC Training. This training moves our mission forward.
Wendy Long heads our Communications and Language area. Transparency builds our community.
Brad Hagg heads our technology area. WCS is managing technology and using it as an accelerator of learning. Our 6th graders will each use a Mini iPad.
Dr. David Hoffert and his Curriculum Council have added many additional quality classes.
We were very fortunate to be able to attract a JROTC program to WCS. JROTC helps students develop Leadership, Character, and Student Success. This year we have 90 students in JROTC. Next year we have 100. Mason Metzger is an example of a WCS student who enriches the lives of others.
6/11 Wed. Mudlove Kyle Garberson
6/11 Wed. Review Cruise-In (after club meeting)
6/16 Mon. Boomerang Backpack Golf Outing
6/18 Wed. Guy Fisher / Goodwill Career Center
6/19 Thur. Optimist Golf Outing
6/25 Wed. Registration Packets for Triathlon
6/28 Sat. Triathlon
7/2 Wed. Rebecca Bazzoni / Jacobs Ladder
7/9 Wed. Christon Clark / Habitat for Humanity
7/16 Wed. Mayor Dr. Joe Thallemer / State of the City
7/23 Wed. Warsaw Area Career Center / Ronna Kawsky
7/23 Wed. Cheerleaders
7/30 Wed. Paragon
8/1 Fri. Penguin Point and Optimist Big Wheel Race
8/6 Wed. Boys Soccer
8/8 Fri. Indiana North District Golf Outing
8/8 & 9 Fri. & Sat. Indiana North District Convention at Warsaw
8/13 Wed. Boys Cross Country
8/20 Wed. Boys Tennis
9/3 Wed. Girls Soccer
9/10 Wed. Girls Golf
9/10 Wed. WCHS Athletics / Dave Anson
9/17 Wed. Crystal Heckaman / Rachel’s Challenge – Friends of Rachel
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
President Everett Nifong led our meeting.
100 Optimists & 11 guests attended our meeting. Dr. Sarah Masterson was the guest of Mike Cox; Jennifer Tandy, Curt Hermann, Randy Polston, & Dr. David Hoffert were the guests of Dan Metzger; Matthew Mitchell was the guest of Martin Becker; Elaine Kramer was the guest of Roland Kramer; Will Thrasher was the guest of Doug Ogle; Dr. Susan Hintz was the guest of Dr. Craig Hintz; Kim Burkett & Lora Kuhaneck were the guests of Tracy Horrell.
Door Greeters: John Sullivan.
Prayer: Jim Nesbitt led us in prayer.
Pledge was given to the American flag.
Promise yourself was said in unison.
Martin Becker led us in singing Hail to Optimism.
Birthday Honorees: Millie Andrews, Kelsi Griffith, Bill Landrigan, & Dave Wolkins. Martin Becker led us in the birthday song with pretty good results.
Prayer Requests:
Rocky Goshert’s family at his father, Bill’s passing.
Larry Bishop’s continued recovery from ankle surgery.
Coach Jim Kessler’s granddaughter, Claudia’s recovery from eye surgery. She will have follow-up surgeries around early June and early July. Pray for comfort and patience for Claudia this spring and summer.
Membership: Membership Chair Kellie Malcolm read Scott Reust’s application. Scott is sponsored by Past Pres. Joel Wihebrink.
Thanks to Past Pres. Tracy Furnivall and Baker Youth Clubs for letting us use their projector.
Thanks to Gina Voelz for updating our Banner with our recent awards.
President Everett Nifong reported that over and above providing a great breakfast, Golden Corral is donating 100 meals for our students we invite to our meetings. Thanks to Golden Corral for their generosity!
Past Gov. Ron Donkers & Lt. Gov. John Sullivan reminded us of Optimist International Foundation’s Dime-A-Day fundraising program. Some of the overhead for things like the Oratorical and Essay contests at the district and higher levels are in need of funding. The higher level Oratorical Contest winner receives $2,500 and the higher level Essay Contest winner receives $500. As a larger club, we need to cover a large part of these costs. The Dime-A Day program is a great way to do this. Please send your $36.50 to Optimist International Foundation, Dime-A-Day Campaign, P.O. Box 952126, St. Louis, MO 63195. Make sure you put “club # 04555” in the memo section of your check. An even better way to do this is to use a form Ron has to have your card charged $3.05 per month on an ongoing basis. The forms are by the badge box.
Craig Nayrocker is looking for someone to take over writing our Optibullette newsletter. See Craig to find out more.
Happily Past Co-Chair John Elliott reported new Co-Chairs Dr. Jenny & Alan Lucht & Art Gakstatter are holding an important meeting after our June 11 club meeting. We will review this year’s Cruise-In for possible tweaks next year.
President Everett Nifong reminded us of our Golf Outing that will be Thursday, June 19 at Stonehenge. Registration begins at 11 a.m., lunch is at 11:30 a.m., and the Shotgun start is at 1 p.m. Cost is $440 per foursome including golf, cart, lunch, and driving range use. Please consider golfing, becoming a Tee Sponsor, donating a door prize or goody bag items. Tee Sponsorships are $100. Brochures are here and on our website. We have 22 to 25 teams signed up.
Triathlon Co-Chairman Past Gov. Ron Donkers reminded us we are in Triathlon preparation season. Co-Chair Luke Becknell highlighted some of the sub-chairs for our event. Millie Andrews is heading the Registration area. People can work this Friday afternoon, Friday evening, and/or Saturday morning. Jim Nesbitt, Marty Becker, & Ron Chambers head our parking team. These members can work another task after they park the cars. Past President Bob Jackson heads our Run team. Gary Tanner heads our Security team. Ken Anderson heads our Finish Line team. Past President Jeff Owens heads our Swim team. Mitch Goon heads our Bike team. Remember we all need to work our Triathlon. Our new members and our long term members all need to block off the last Saturday in June. We need to keep that open every year. This year it is June 28. Luke Becknell as our manpower chairman can connect anyone with a function that needs help. This year we will have youth races (11 & 12 year olds and 13 & 14 year olds, 15 year olds are with the adults) in addition to our usual event. This year Akash Jain is working with Jim Hayes on the database. Wow, we now have 2 “get-er-done” kind of guys doing this mountain of behind the scenes work!
Past Lt. Gov. Dr. David Haines provided our first post to our Year in Review series. It is featured on the front page of our website. Here is a direct link
President Everett Nifong asked us to keep an eye out for our 3rd quarter dues statements. They went out by e-mail May 11. Check your spam or junk file if it is not in your regular in-box.
Edgewood language arts teacher Kim Burkett and Tracy Horrell told us of seventh grade student Lora Kuhaneck. Lora is a standout student with a great future of service. Lora has been nominated for the Junior National Youth Leadership Conference this summer. The $2041.20 cost is due in full June 6. If you want to help Lora call her at 527-3698 or email or .
Eric Ohman reported the Warsaw Evangelical Presbyterian Church has 50 paid scholarships available to their Day Camp that runs from June 16 to 20. He asked us to introduce this opportunity to any family who has kids between Kindergarten through 5th grade.
George Paton brought a supply of booklets with discounts at Martin’s Supermarket. They are good through June of 2014. If anyone knows anyone who would benefit from these can distribute them.
The Walk-N-Wander display of sixteen life-size bronze sculptures by Seward Johnson is from June 6 to September 28.
Trina Hoy invited all to The Big Ride for Kid’s Sake to benefit Kosciusko County kids. It is August 2 with the proceeds go to Little Brothers & Little Sisters of our county. Registration is at 10 a.m. The cost is $20 per rider or $25 per rider and passenger. The 100-mile ride starts at The Bowling Alley. See Trina Hoy for more information.
Dave Meier announced our 34th Annual Big Wheel Race is Friday, August 1 at Center Lake Park. Registration starts at 5:45 p.m. Race is at 7 p.m. Thanks to Penguin Point for sponsoring the bicycles, trophies, and gift certificates.
Past Gov. Ron Donkers reported our Indiana North District Convention will be in Warsaw, Friday & Saturday, August 8th and 9th. There will be a fun Golf Outing on Friday the 8th.
Past Gov. Ron Donkers thanked Akash Jain for stepping up to help Jim Hayes with our database.
Troy Akers invited us to the 2nd Annual Boomerang Backpacks Golf Outing, Monday, June 16 at Tippecanoe Lake Country Club. It will help feed students from Warsaw, Wawasee, & Tippy Valley on the weekends. Cost is $400 for a foursome. Sponsorship opportunities are available. See Tracey Akers at .
Ralph Turner announced that Express Empoyment Professionals is collecting food at Combined Community Services on Saturday, June 14. You can drop off donations at 2612 Sheldon between Mondays and Fridays from 7:30 to 5:30. Go to for more information.
Sergeants-at-Arms: Luke Becknell, Trace Hansen, and Lyle Enyeart entertained us.
Kelsi Griffith was in the paper for her KLA activity.
We are to be commended. None of us had a problem in the Sobriety Test last weekend.
George Paton was recognized for Maritime Day.
Past Lt. Gov. Denny Andrews was recognized for Save Your Hearing Day.
Past President Joel Wihebrink was recognized for Sunscreen Day.
President Elect Rick Kerlin won the tap dancing contest for Tap Dancing Day.
It was noted that Josh Gordon has been promoted to Vice President at Old National Bank.
Our teachers were treated to the story about the young student who disagreed with the teacher.
President Elect Rick Kerlin was applauded for having the sense to not let Sergeant Lyle test drive the Mustang Cobra in his showroom.
Dr. Susan Hintz had a happy dollar for 2 reasons: Dr. Craig Hintz is retiring and they will see more of their 14 grandchildren. Our WCS Board picked the best person to step in as Superintendent, in Dr. David Hoffert.
Past President Ron Henry is celebrating his 56th anniversary.
Legendary Storyteller Fred Nieter is celebrating our Girls Track Team winning their Regional.
Art Gakstatter is grateful that Fred Nieter heard his mother after she fell. Fred rescued her. She will be 100 years old soon.
Joe Wilkey is proud of his niece, Barb Martz, for putting on the Cross Country Fundraiser.
Angie Tom commended Scott Whitaker on the professionalism of his patrolmen.
Warsaw Community School Board Member Dan Metzger introduced Dr. Craig Hintz who has been our Superintendent the last 5 years. He is finishing out 45 years in education. We are grateful he did not stop after 40 years. We have been blessed to have his leadership the last 5 years.
Dan reminded us of some of our School System’s accomplishments under Dr. Hintz’s leadership:
He led our Board and Corporation in developing our Strategic Plan.
Kindergarten Pre-school
Blue Apron Café
Mandarin Chinese
Gateway Education Center
STEM Academy
Increased AP classes
400+ increase in enrollment
Solid financial position
Dan emphasized that Dr. Hintz did a major contribution for our future as he mentored Dr. David Hoffert along as Dave worked hard on our curriculum.
Dan credited Dr. Hintz for helping the Board to make wise decisions.
Dr. Craig Hintz spoke about Warsaw Community Schools. Dr. Hintz led our Board and community leaders like Rick Kerlin as they spent several days and developed our Strategic Plan which starts with our Core Values that point to Our Mission, then our Strategic Objectives that are obtained by doing our Strategies and not doing our Strategic Delimiters.
Core Values
We believe that:
Everyone has value.
Every individual has something to contribute.
Learning enriches life.
Honesty, integrity, and trust are fundamental to thriving relationships.
Embracing diversity strengthens community.
People have life-changing power.
Giving of time, talent, and resources is vital to the well-being of the community.
Our Mission is to inspire and equip all students to continuously acquire and apply knowledge and skills while pursuing their dreams and enriching the lives of others.
Strategic Objectives
All students will develop and implement an annual plan where they invest their time and talents to serve others.
All students will express, plan and demonstrate progress toward their dreams.
All students will demonstrate growth and proficiency in alignment with district standards in the courses and programs in which they participate.
We will:
Build collaborative relationships with the community to share our time, talent and resources to support our mission and strategic objectives.
Supplement core standards with additional district standards to align all offered courses and programs with our mission and strategic objectives.
Assure that all current and future staff understand, trust and contribute to our mission and strategic objectives.
Embrace and engage technologies as accelerators to achieve our mission and strategic objectives.
Strategic Delimiters
We will not:
Adopt any new program or service unless it
Is aligned with and contributes to our mission.
Is accompanied by the resources needed for its implementation.
Allow past practice or tradition to interfere with the consideration of new ideas.
We are about to graduate over 500 students who have been equipped to apply knowledge and skills to enrich the lives of others. The Warsaw Times-Union has been very generous in their coverage of our schools. There have been numerous stories in the paper and stories around town of our students enriching the lives of others and acquiring knowledge.
WCS is an A School Corporation for a 2nd year in a row.
We are a diverse system. We have English Language learners from 27 different countries.
WCS aligns its budget with its Strategic Plan. After our Performing Arts Center was built, it was noticed that we had a dance floor and orchestra pit, but did not have the money for a dance program nor to teach strings. Under Dr. Hintz’s leadership WCS prioritized its dollars for the things that are important. We now have dance and strings programs.
WCS has partnered with many organizations in our community. Just a few are: OrthoWorx, Warsaw Education Foundation, WK Chamber of Commerce, Warsaw Police Department, our club and other service clubs, along with many more.
WCS has partnered with OrthoWorx to extend STEM to all our elementary schools through the new Mobile STEM Lab called “The Bus.”
Lorinda Kline has spearheaded the Professional Learning Communities PLC Training. This training moves our mission forward.
Wendy Long heads our Communications and Language area. Transparency builds our community.
Brad Hagg heads our technology area. WCS is managing technology and using it as an accelerator of learning. Our 6th graders will each use a Mini iPad.
Dr. David Hoffert and his Curriculum Council have added many additional quality classes.
We were very fortunate to be able to attract a JROTC program to WCS. JROTC helps students develop Leadership, Character, and Student Success. This year we have 90 students in JROTC. Next year we have 100. Mason Metzger is an example of a WCS student who enriches the lives of others.
Our school system has become a school district of choice, both inside and outside of our district. We have 231 students who have chosen to come to WCS while living in other districts. Parents value WCS enough that they drive their children to our schools. Also we have 503 kids who have transferred to the elementary school of their choice from inside our district.
Our kids have enriched the lives of others in many ways. One is that our school corporation is one of only 23 out of 300 in the state that is a Miracle School Corporation for Riley Children’s Hospital.
Dr. Hintz is proud of Dr. David Hoffert and the leadership he will provide WCS going forward. Dave taught for 7 years, followed by time in education leadership in Wabash County. He came back to WCS as Chief Academic Officer and more recently as Assistant School Superintendent. Dr. Hintz is proud of the great team at WCS including Dr. Hoffert, the Board, and Teachers. Our great team has accomplished great results.
Dr. Charles Hollar thanked Dr. Hintz for the stability and vision he has provided WCS these last 5 years to bring us to point where people choose WCS over other options. Dr. Hollar led us in a well deserved standing ovation for Dr. Hintz.
Our school system has become a school district of choice, both inside and outside of our district. We have 231 students who have chosen to come to WCS while living in other districts. Parents value WCS enough that they drive their children to our schools. Also we have 503 kids who have transferred to the elementary school of their choice from inside our district.
Our kids have enriched the lives of others in many ways. One is that our school corporation is one of only 23 out of 300 in the state that is a Miracle School Corporation for Riley Children’s Hospital.
Dr. Hintz is proud of Dr. David Hoffert and the leadership he will provide WCS going forward. Dave taught for 7 years, followed by time in education leadership in Wabash County. He came back to WCS as Chief Academic Officer and more recently as Assistant School Superintendent. Dr. Hintz is proud of the great team at WCS including Dr. Hoffert, the Board, and Teachers. Our great team has accomplished great results.
Dr. Charles Hollar thanked Dr. Hintz for the stability and vision he has provided WCS these last 5 years to bring us to point where people choose WCS over other options. Dr. Hollar led us in a well deserved standing ovation for Dr. Hintz.