Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Future Dates
06/16 Everyone at meeting for Christ-mas Tree sales vote
06/17 Golf Outing fundraiser
06/26 Triathlon
09/18 Cub Scout auction
88 Optimists & 7 guests attended our meeting: Holly Hummitch & Kelly Hicks our program; Perry Lenon guest of Sam Whitaker; Sophie Lancaster guest of Jim Lancaster; Dan Ousley guest of Jim Kessler; Joy Lohse & Terry Howie guests of Craig Allebach. Door Greeters: Stacey Cox & Ken Anderson. Prayer was offered by Steve McGlothin. Pledge was given to the American Flag. Promise yourself was said in uni-son. Birthday Honorees: Andy Swihart, Bill Landri-gan, Rocky Goshert, & Dr. Jason Rich. Martin Becker led us with pretty good results. Mystery Person: Tony Ciriello reported 11 people shook his hand.
Prayer List: Jim’s mother, Norma Hayes’ cancer re-covery. Dot Nieter’s recovery from hip surgery.
Sam Whitaker’s family at the passing of his father.
Membership: Dr. Charles Hollar inducted John Ames. Sam Whitaker sponsored John.
Sherriff Bill Landrigan was successful getting 88 of us here today. Our attendance is up! Some atten-dees were Harry Gigous, Greg Kralis, Jim Lancaster.
Everett Nifong has Stonehenge Golf Outing applica-tions. The event is June 17 at 11am. Monitors are needed that day. Cost is $360 per foursome. Everett can match you to others. Dave Illingsworth is donat-ing the hole in one car. Jim Brennan at WRSW has publicized our event. Andy Swihart & Mike Cusick are collecting door prizes and goody bags for our golf outing. Cash towards prizes is also welcome.
Trace Hansen is looking for a set-up & tear-down head & a volunteer coordinator for Safe Assured.
Call George Brennan if you want to golf 6/19 at the Middlebury Club’s outing. Cost is $60 per person.
Car Show: John Elliott reported 153 cars, 16 corn hole contestants, 3 BBQ contestants participated & $6410 was raised. We need someone to work with John to learn his job next year.
President Sam Whitaker asked EVERYONE to come to our 6/16 meeting for a VOTE on whether we should continue or discontinue our Christ-mas Tree sales.
Art Gaskstatter recognized those who worked our Car Show. President Sam Whitaker presented Art with a ―special trophy‖ for the most burnt cars.
Past Gov. Ron Donkers reminded us of our Triath-lon 6/26. We have 10% more registrants than this time last year. Denny Andrews asked for help set-ting up the bike racks Friday night 6/25. Contact Dr. Jason Rich to be a sponsor or donate prizes.
Jim Lancaster & Andy Swihart presented $700 to Perry Lenon from Little League & $500 to Holly Hum-mitch & Kelly Hicks from the Winona Lake Park De-partment.
Stacey Cox saluted: Jim Walmer, who joined in 1975, has been active in Art in the Park & TriStar among other things. Dr. Joe Thallemer, who joined in 1980, is a past Optimist of the Year, has been a Christmas Tree sales chair, Sergeant-at-Arms, TriS-tar, has participated in 11 triathlons.
Sergeant-at-Arms: Lyle Enyeart, & Merl Heckaman. John Teevan honored retiring educators including Bill Landrigan for the 3rd or 4th time. Bill Landigan’s grandchild & Doug Ogle’s daughter did well in the track meet. Trace Hansen reported the 2011 Na-tional Skating Championship is coming to Ft Wayne. Dave Illingsworth & Craig Nayrocker each have 2 kids graduating from college. Each have 1 kid who already has a job. Harry Gigous is looking for a 1928 Chevy fender. 50/50: Everett Nifong won $31.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
LCpl Raul Jimenez – Marines
Program: Holly Hummitch & Kelly Hicks from the Winona Lake Parks Department brought us up to date on their summer programs.
Next week: Optimist Singers & Dave Illingsworth.
