Wednesday May 24, 2017

May 24, 2017 

Attendance: 103

Invocation: Randy Polston

Greeters: Tim Hamman and Matt Rolston

Guests: Dirk Sommers (George Paton), 

Birthdays: Ron Donkers, Jason Rich, Ron Chambers, Andy Swihart

Check Presentation: Art Gakstatter presents $1000.00 to the YMCA

Scholarship Recipient: Abby Smith – Grace College


Joey Hickerson conducted:

1st Reading:  Annette Hammond (David Meier)

2nd Reading: None

3rd Reading: None

Past President Sam Whitaker inducted new member Simon Stone.

Program:  Optimist Singers – Songs of America

Committee Reports/Announcements:

John Elliott gave a report on the Honor Flight # 23, in which he was the Guardian for Carl Snyder, who was a WW II Navy veteran. 180,000 veterans have gone on an Honor Flight, and the Northeast Indiana Chapter is working on #24. John said their flight left at 4:45 a.m. and landed in Washington 55 minutes later. Their plane had direct clearance and only the President and Vice-President had higher priority. Upon arrival, actresses dressed in WW II vintage clothes kissed the veterans. They spent 2 hours at the WW II Memorial and were joined by Senator Donnelly and Congressmen Jim Banks and Jackie Walorski.  During their visit they traveled in four buses with a police escort and never had to stop for traffic.They also visited the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The Guardians wore “Home of the Free Because of the Brave” T-shirts during the trip. Mail call was presented during the return trip and Carl received 300 letters. When they returned to Fort Wayne they were greeted by 3,000 people.
1) Ron Chambers announced the next Club visitation will be on Tuesday morning June 13th, to Plymouth. More details to follow.
2) Jenny Lucht reminded us to wear our red Optimist shirts to the Car Show June 4th. If you don’t have an Optimist shirt please wear some other red shirt. They have broken the $10,000 mark! Sheets were available at all tables so members could verify that their trophy sponsorships were documented properly.
3) Luke Becknell spoke about the Triathlon June 24th. Simon Stone will organize the water stations, and Katie Wonderly will help at the finish line. This is a great opportunity for new members to get involved.
4) Scott Reust talked about the Golf Outing June 10th. Good weather is predicted. They still need door prizes and hole sponsors, and one more hole in one monitor.
5) Fred Niter will be re-organizing the badges.

CEO Report: None

50/50: Ron Chambers wins!

Sergeants-at-arms: Travis McConnell and Juergen Voss entertained us.


  1. Please remember to be polite while others are speaking.
  2. Optimist events happening almost every weekend in June.

Thank you and have an Optimist week!