Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Attendance: 111
Greeters: Dr. Pam Galloway, Mike Hawkins
Invocation: Joy Lavender
Guests (Hosts): Judy Becker (Martin Becker), Bill Smith (Bill Crane), Logan Donavan (Austin Donavan), Scholarship recipients – Veronica Flores (Carmen Flores), Noah Diaz and Shelby Perry (Kevin Weaver)
Birthdays: Ron Donkers, Karen Kauffman, Trace Hansen, Brittany Petersen, Ron Chambers, Dr. Jason Rich
Special Election: Congratulations to our new President-Elect, Dr. Pam Galloway. A special election was held due to a tie in voting for the office of President during the regular election held on May 16.
Memorial Day Recognition: The Optimist Singers presented a Memorial Day Salute in song. Musical numbers included the Star Spangled Banner, Peach on Earth/Peace Like a River, Swing Down Ezekiel, American Heroes and a playing of Taps.
Golf Outing – A hole-in-one monitor is still needed for the event to be held June 14th.
Vietnam Wall Memorial – Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial moving wall museum will be in Warsaw May 31 to June 1. Volunteers are needed for setup on Thursday morning, May 31 at 8 a.m. in Central Park. Volunteers are also needed for security detail. Contact Dr. Jenny Lucht for questions or to volunteer.
Car Show – Dr. Jenny Lucht announced that the car show raised $14,264. Volunteers who helped with the event were recognized. Brent Mock and Tracy Fitzgerald will be chairing the event next year.
Wanted: New editors for the Optibullette! Please contact Steve Hollar or Lisa Mahan if you would be interested in this position. It’s a great way to get to know club members and learn about all the club has to offer.
Notice of By-Laws Vote: Voting is scheduled for May 30th, 2018
Per our By-Laws, members are to be notified in writing of a vote to amend/ update/ replicate the By-Laws of the club. The current Proposed document has been assembled by committee, approved by your Board of Directors, and submitted to you the membership, for approval. If these By-Laws are approved by Membership they remain subject to review by Optimist International. In Advance of the vote, the Proposed Document is available for your review. Copies are available at regular membership meeting each week. You may download and review by using this web link:
50/50: $48/$24 to the winner – Lyle Enyeart
Program: Thomas Jennings from the Grisson Air Museum presented an overview of the facility and the history of Grisson Air Force Base. The museum was founded in 1981 by seven prior service military personnel. The museum is self-sustaining and is not supported by the military. The museum currently has 32 aircraft with 24 on display and 7 being restored. The museum is open 7 days a week from Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The rest of the year the museum can be visited Friday – Sunday. Cost of admission is $6 for adults; $5 for veterans, seniors and children 6-11; and is free to children under 6.