Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Upcoming Events:
5/20-Memorial Day Singers
5/27-Plymout Speedway/Iris Saunders
6/3-Reinventing Yourself and Business/Damian Mason
6/10-Riley Champion/Camille Kerlin
6/17-First Source Bank/Chris Murphy
6/24-Triathlon Bags
7/1-KCH Health Update/Jay de los Reyes
7/8-Warsaw Times-Union/Gary Gerard
President Rick Kerlin led our meeting.
107 Optimists & guests:
Dave Mitchell-guest of Tony Ciriello.
Joe Jackson-guest (son) of Bob Jackson.
Travis McConnell-guest of Trina Hoy.
Carla Carlson-guest of Lyle Enyeart.
WCHS Girls Track & Field-Scott Erba.
Middle School Band.
Door Greeters: Joe Sutton & David Cates.
Prayer: John Elliot.
Pledge was given to the American flag.
Promise yourself was said in unison.
Hail to Optimism was sung in unison.
Birthday Honorees: Amanda Zambrano, Paul Heaton & Brenda Edling. Happy Birthday!
Check Presentation: Andy Swihart presented a $1,000.00 check to Chad Zaucha for the Kosciuckso YMCA.
Committee Reports:
6th Annual Car Show is THIS weekend on May 17th.
Golf Outing will be June 18th @ Stonehenge.
Triathlon will be held June 27th.
Jerry Titus inducted:
Carla Carlton-sponsored by Lyle Enyeart. Welcome to the club Carla!
Mike Cox conducted:
2nd Reading
Travis McConnell-sponsored by Trina Hoy.
3rd Reading
David Mitchell-sponsored by Tony Ciriello.
CEO Report:
Jen Pyle announce Dr. Jenny Lucht.
Member since Dec, 16, 1992.
Husband-Alan, Children-Chris, Carrie, Beth & Pete.
Grandchildren-10+ Devan, Dylan, Kyra, TJ, Kelsie, Caden, Lorelia, Isaih, Jazette and Lukas in July.
Pets-2 cats, Pepe and Kacie.
City of residence-Silver Lake 19 years and Warsaw 32 years.
Occupation-Retired teacher/School Admin 35 years.
Hobbies-Cars (36 Chevy Corvettes), ballroom dancing, stamp collecting, serving the community and volunteering.
Burning Desire-To go to Ireland and Rome.
Keys to success-Keep a positive attitude! Keep laughing! Get involved.
Honors-Assistant Principal of the Year in Indiana & Red Apple Award.
Something nobody know-She is a licensed High Speed Track competitor in racing corvettes.
Favorite Optimist Memory-She was the first female Morning Optimist and have been a member since 1992! Life Member and Optimist of the Year in 96-97.
Thanks so much for sharing Jenny! We appreciate ALL you do for the club and look forward to the Car Show this weekend!
Brooke Hamstra asked members to please visit the link:, select our videos (Club Showcase and 30 Second Challenge), VOTE, and share on Facebook or Twitter to help get the message out so we can win the Video Competition!
Invoices went out.
Please add to your safe sender email list!
Are you on Facebook, be sure you go to our page ( and “Like Us.”
50/50: Marv Miller was the winner of $62.50 this morning!
Videos: None.
Sergeants-at-Arms: Jeff, Bob and Steve entertained us:
$1 Charge:
Jerry Titus-this is a forgiving club.
Tracy Horrell-sleeping nun joke.
Tracy Furnivall-welcome back.
Dave and Chad-welcome back as well.
Scott Whitaker-they thought you were the program today.
Pam Galloway-being in the paper and no mention of Optimist.
5 Questions:
Josh Gordon
What band were you in? Goshen High School.
What instrument did you play? Baritone and Tuba.
Who was the best player in the band? Ryan who played the trumpet and was the band director’s son.
Favorite song to play on your baritone? Not sure?
Where is your baritone now? Sold it in a garage sale.
John Sullivan for calling other members during the meeting.
Optimist $1:
Mickey Smithers-announced his brand new grandson, Luke #13.
Steve Hollar’s daughter made the Dean’s List at Grace.
The Middle School Band performed this morning and did an awesome job!
Invite a Guest.
Clean up tables.
Next Week’s Program: Optimsit Singers Memorial Day Program.
Quote: “While we may not be able to control what happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.” –Benjamin Franklin.
Have a very Optimist Week!