Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Future Dates
05/15 assemble bike racks
05/15 Respect for Law
05/21 Cancer Victims fundraiser
05/22 Car Show fundraiser
06/17 Golf Outing fundraiser
06/26 Triathlon
83 Optimists & 3 guests attended our meeting: Gary Elders our program; Shyloh Hoy guest of Trina Hoy; John Ames guest of Sam Whitaker. Door Greeter: David Turner. Prayer was offered by Steve Ferber. Pledge was given to the American Flag. Promise yourself was said in unison. Birthday Honoree: Jennifer Dorman. Martin Becker led us with pretty good results. Mystery Person: Tracy Furnival re-ported 4 people shook his hand.
Prayer List: Jim’s mother, Norma Hayes’ cancer re-covery. Dot Nieter’s recovery from hip surgery.
Sam Whitaker’s family at the passing of his father. Praise: Daniel Elliott is cancer free & has no more chemo treatments!
Membership: Everett Nifong read John Ames 2nd reading. Past President Juergen Voss inducted Greg-ory Houlton. Everett sponsored Greg & Sam Whitaker sponsored John.
Sherriff Bill Landrigan was successful getting 83 of us here today. Our attendance is up! Some atten-dees were Ray Wolff, Mike Hall, Dave Wolkins, Dr. Charles Hollar, & Greg Kralis.
Everett Nifong has Stonehenge Golf Outing applica-tions. The event is June 17. Cost is $360 per four-some. Call 551-9145 to sponsor at the $1000, $450, or $100 level. Everett thanked Greg Houlton from Al-legra Printing for printing our applications for free for several years. Dave Meier is donating Penguin Point dinners for the last place team. Everyone can play. Dave Illingsworth is donating the hole in one car.
Mike Cusick asked us to consider what we will donate as door prizes and goody bags at our golf outing
Trace Hansen is looking for a set-up & tear-down chair and a volunteer coordinator chair for Safe As-sured.
Call George Brennan if you want to golf 6/19 at the Middlebury Club’s outing. Cost is $60 per person.
Scott Whitaker reported our Respect for Law day is 5/15 on the 3rd floor of the courthouse. Pick up reg-istration forms for 6 to 16 year olds. Some help will be needed.
Denny Andrews asked us to assemble new bike racks Saturday, 5/15 from 8am to 10am at Ron Donker’s garage. The new bike racks were donated at great expense by Indiana Vac Form. When you see them, thank them. Please keep the 6/26 date for our Triathlon. Chairs of committees need to start getting ready for this year’s Triathlon.
May 22 Car Show: John Elliott reported door prizes, use of golf carts & use of walkie talkies are needed. Sign up sheets are out for help with registration, Wi-nona escort, & general help. Call Jim Kessler to help with Bar-B-Que. Call Doug Ogle to help with the Corn Hole Tournament. Thanks go to Jim Hayes & Trina Hoy for their behind the scenes work.
Ron Chambers reported on our visit to the Ply-mouth club. They are vibrant, growing, & active.
Sergeant-at-Arms: John Barrett recognized John Kirkpatrick’s 1st week of retirement & Jeff Nuemann for chairing the Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll fundraiser. Trace Hansen is collecting athletic equip-ment & clothes for the Haitian Olympic teams. Coach Jim Kessler is looking over a good incoming fresh-man class. Bob Jackson is thankful his family es-caped injury when lightning struck his house. Judge Joe Sutton reported the Arizona cross honoring WWII vets has been stolen. 50/50: As usual Don Kenipe won. This week it was $29.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
LCpl Raul Jimenez – Marines
Program: Gary Elders,our WalMart manager since 1999 reminded us of the values that built WalMart. His staff takes care of us. He still has 22 of the origi-nal 125 employees that started our store in 1989. Our store was the Supercenter of the year in 2008.
Next week: Mayor Ernie Wiggins