Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
*** REMINDER: City of Lakes Cruise In-Car Show is SUNDAY ***
Upcoming Programs:
5/18 KCCVB & State Tourism Bureau/Jill Boggs & Mark Newsome
5/25-Memorial Day Singers
6/1-Winona Lake Town Update/Craig Allebach
6/8-Avionics Class/WCHS Eric Coburn
6/15-Warsaw Rugby Club/Trevor Cracknel & Mark Maruso
6/22-Celebrate Recovery/Loren Eiker
Call To Order @ 7:00am.
Invocation by: Ivan Schuler.
Greeters: Don Reinholt & Merl Heckaman.
101 Members & Guests:
- Scott Hilliard-Program.
- Paul Helstern-guest of Brian Brauchla.
- Maggie Kenworthy-guest of Joe Thallemer.
- Donna Plumber-guest of Trina Hoy.
- Warsaw Girls Track Coaches Nina Ferry and Jo Hickerson and Team.
Birthdays: Paul Heaton, Josh Gordon and Brooke from the Track Team. Happy Birthday!
Bob Jackson inducted:
Cheryl Avery-who was sponsored by Trina Hoy. Welcome to the club Cheryl!
Program: Scott Hilliard presented from North Central Co-op. He shared details and facts about the Co-op. There is a station that is open 24-7 across from Walmart and Steak-N-Shake that only takes credit cards for payment. It was an interesting presentation!
Committee Reports:
- Car Show-Jenny Lucht said we are at $11,650 which is good and remember the event is this Sunday!
- Golf Outing-will be June 16th.
- Triathlon will be on June 25th. The clipboard for t-shirt orders is going around this week and next. Luke Becknell will be meeting with the Team Leaders soon.
- Welcome back John Elliott!
- Remember to get your t-shirt and Optimist Polo shirt ordered if you are interested.
- Keep Eric Lane in your thoughts and prayers as he undergoes a heart surgery.
Sheriffs Report: No report was given.
CEO Report: None this week.
50/50: Rick Swaim won this morning!
Joel Wihebrink and Luke Becknell entertained us this morning!
- Next Week: KCCVB & State Tourism/Jill Boggs & Mark Newsome.
- Thank You Guests & Speaker.
- Clean your tables, have an optimistic week.
Quote: “You can’t live a positive life, with a negative mind.” -Unknown.
Thanks and have an Optimist Week! See you all at the Car Show Sunday!