Wednesday May 10, 2017

May 10, 2017 

Attendance: 106

Invocation: Alan Lucht

Greeters: Andrew O’Connell and George Brennan

Guests: Brent Mock (Max Mock), Nathan Gephart (Brooke Hamstra), Dirk Sommers (George Paton), Lamony Waddell (George Brennan)

Birthdays: Jeff Servies, Doug Blatz, Jeff Crawford, George Paton, Brenda Edling, Travis McConnell, Josh Gordon

Check Presentation: None

Membership: Brooke Hamstra conducted:

1st Reading:

2nd Reading:

3rd Reading:


Program:  State Rep. Dave Wolkins –  Recent updates with the Indiana General Assembly

Committee Reports/Announcements: 

Dr. Steve Hollar: There is going to be a Dental Mercy Mission this coming Friday and Saturday at the State Fairgrounds. Anyone in need of dental care can attendant get free state of the art care.

-Jennie Lucht: There are only 25 days remaining until the car show June 4th. Please make sure you have your sponsorships in. For questions related to volunteering contact Alan Lucht.

-Everett Nifong: Sponsorships are coming in for the golf outing on June 10th, and encourages more sponsorships, door prizes and volunteers. There are golf outing brochures on the sign-in table.

Adam Heckaman circulated a sign-up sheet for Triathlon tee shirts and will bring it back next week.

CEO Report: None

50/50: Bill Crane wins!

Sergeants-at-arms: Travis McConnell and Juergen Voss entertained us.


  1. Thank You Guests & Members.
  2. Clean your tables.
  3. Like our Facebook page and share Optimist events

Thank you and have an Optimist week!