Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Upcoming Programs:
4/6-History of Scouting/Jim Reeve
4/13-SORE/Tim Meyer
4/20-Historical Museum/Dan Coplen
4/27-A.C.T.S./Clark Shepherd
Call To Order @ 7:00am
Invocation by: Jenny Lucht.
Greeters: Frank Gross & Craig Nayrocker.
89 Members & Guests:
- Jeannie Corson-guest of Dave Robertson.
- Jennifer Cullins-guest of Bill Crane.
- David Burden-guest of Kristin Farwell.
- Janelle Myer with CASA.
- Jordan Foreman-guest of Sam Whitaker.
- Doug Enyeart-guest of Lyle Enyert.
Birthdays: Adam Reed, Mark Skibowski, Sarah Masterson, and Trina Hoy.
Pam Galloway conducted:
3rd Reading for-Jordan Foreman who is sponsored by Sam Whitaker.
Committee Reports:
- Car Show-Jenny Lucht said they need door prizes.
- Nominating/Election-Rick Kerlin announced elections will be on April 13th.
- Golf Outing-will be June 16th.
May 17th FREE Breakfast for REAL Services.
District Meeting will be on April 22nd in downtown Marion. Contact Michele Bickel if interested in attending.
Ron Chambers announced a club visitation on April 15th in Middlebury.
David Burton with Kristin from Grace College are looking for volunteers for Robotic Competition.
Check Presentation:
Gina Voelz presented a check to Janelle Myer to help support CASA.
50/50: Bill Crane won this morning.
Program: Dave Robertson presented about WCS Chief Academic Officer.
- Next Week: History of Scouting/Jim Reeve.
- Thank You Guests & Speaker.
- Clean your tables, have an optimistic week.
“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” -Mother Teresa.
Special thanks to Jen Kerns for taking notes during the meeting this week!
Thanks and have an Optimist Week!