Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Future Dates
03/08 Board Meeting
03/15 Golf Outing meeting
03/17 more news on Car Show
03/23 War. Ed. Found. Com. Quiz Bowl
05/22 Car Show Fundraiser
06/26 Triathlon
72 Optimists & 12 guests attended our meeting: Tim Mundinger guest of Henry Church; Cathy Mullett guest of Trina Hoy; Joy Lavender guest of Dr. David Haines; Amanda Fleming guest of Angie Tom; Jason Arnett, Brandon Bibler, Caitlin Julian, Katrina Lowe, Tim Perkey, Skyler Shenefield, Kelsey Sponseller, Tiffany Tat guests of Tracy Horrell & Troy Akers. Door Greeters: Bob Jackson & John Elliott. Prayer was offered by Henry Church. Pledge was given to the American Flag. Promise yourself was said in uni-son. Birthday Honorees: Jon Lippe. Martin Becker led us with our usual results. Mystery Person Ken Anderson reported 12 people shook his hand.
Prayer List: Bill Hilliard’s family. Daniel Elliott’s continued recovery.
Membership: Everett Nifong read Joy Lavender’s & Beth McHaffie’s 3rd readings & Cathy Mullett’s & Amanda Fleming’s 1st readings. Dr. David Haines sponsored Joy, Trina Hoy sponsored Beth & Cathy, Angie Tom sponsored Amanda. Lt. Gov. Jim Reeve is looking for candidates for our election of board members, VPs, & president-elect.
Everett Nifong is looking for members to support our golf outing by working the Tee Sponsorship or Door Prize committees. Sign up or email Everett at The initial meeting is at 6pm on March 15.
Troy Akers introduced us to Jason Arnett, Brandon Bibler, Caitlin Julian, Katrina Lowe, Tim Perkey, Skyler Shenefield, Kelsey Sponseller, & Tiffany Tat who were our Students of the Week from Warsaw Com. H.S. Susan McHenry & Tracy Horrell are coor-dinating our awards.
Sherriff Bill Landrigan thanked all who came today. It was good to see John Sullivan, Joe Sutton, David Tinsley, Juergen Voss, Jim Walmer, & Chris Wiggins.
Pres. Sam Whitaker reminded us of our board meeting 3/8.
New Car Show Fundraiser: We have received let-ters showing us how we can each sponsor a trophy for $25 or more. The trophies will cost less than $25, so we will make a profit on them. March 17 we will find out about other levels of sponsorship. The tro-phies help encourage more people to pay the $12 entrance fee to bring their cars. If enough trophies are sponsored, we might be able to stop selling Christmas Trees. Art reminded us lots of help will be needed on the day of the event, May 22. President Sam Whitaker thanked Art Gakstatter, John Elliott, Jim Hayes, & Trina Hoy for their hard work to get this new project started.
Rich Haddad presented a $500 gift from the K21 Health Foundation to our Safe Assured / Golf Outing in honor of Dr. David Haines.
George Brennan is passing a sign up sheet for proc-tors for the Warsaw Education Foundation Com-munity Quiz Bowl from 6pm to 10pm on 3/23/10. Our team is George, Dr. Jason Rich, Jennifer Dorman, Luke Becknell, & Denny Andrews.
Sergeant-at-Arms: Merl Heckaman & Lyle Enyeart led us in congratulating our Optimist Singer director, Martin Becker, for being inducted into the Indiana Band Director Hall of Fame. Only one director is inducted each year. Marty said the important thing is what music does for the student. Chris Wiggins made his half court shot at TriStar. Bill Landrigan is happy to eat fish every Friday this month instead of just the 1st Friday of most months at the Knights of Columbus from 4:30pm to 7pm for $8. Owen Dona-hue wrote us a note thanking us for putting on our Oratorical Contest. Jim Hayes entertained us with the Mountain Dew karate commercial video. Merl sponsored a ―hockey game‖ in honor of the Olym-pics. 50/50: This week Lt. Gov. Jim Reeve won $39.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
2nd Lt Evan Bradley – Army – Iraq
Program: Tim Mundinger from Warsaw Custom Cabinets ( builds cabinets based on your space & your taste locally.
