Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Future Dates
04/02-06 Spring Break Skate
04/04 Jamie Visker – Winona PVD Coatings
04/11 Scott Tucker – Maple Leaf Farms
04/18 Eric Lane – Fellowship Missions
04/20 Grace Wind Ensemble
04/25 Lakeland Youth Chorale
05/02 Joan Younce – Purdue Health & Human Res.
05/20 Car Show
05/23 Optimist Singers
06/06 Remnant Trust
06/07 Golf Outing at Stonehenge
06/13 Jim Reeve – Roy Rogers
06/20 Triathlon welcome bags
06/23 Triathlon
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
82 Optimists & 5 guests attended our meeting. Sue Studebaker was the guest of Rick Kerlin; Gov. Michael Fisher & Judie Meulink were the guests of Trina Hoy; Jason Zaugg was the guest of Dr. David Haines; & Toby Sorg was the guest of Bart Templeton.
Door Greeters: Everett Nifong and Kevin Marose.
Prayer was offered by Ot Schroeder.
Pledge was given to the American Flag.
Promise yourself was said in unison.
Martin Becker led us as we sang “Hail to Optimism.”
Birthday Honorees: Kyle Tom (by Angie’s phone) and Gov. Michael Fisher. Martin Becker led us in the birthday song with our usual results.
Trace Hansen needs help now delivering the Spring Break Skate tickets to the elementary schools. It is important to connect with someone in the school office & let them know these are the tickets the kids will need to skate for free. Each teacher is to hand them out to their students before school is out this week.
City of Lakes Cruise In on May 20th: John Elliott is passing out a sign-up sheet for volunteers. Help is needed in particular on the set-up & tear down committee along with the registration committee. William Bartol has already contacted many area car clubs. Please give your $25 to John Teevan. We are asking businesses to sponsor at the $100, $200, or $500 levels. Give the big checks to Ann Sweet. Our overall goal is to raise $10k.
Everett Nifong announced that our Golf Outing will be June 7th at Stonehenge. Brochures are out. Cost is $400 for a foursome (includes golf, cart, lunch, & driving range). Sponsorships are available at the Bronze $100, Silver $475, & Gold $1000 levels. Prize/Goody Bag items are also needed. Again, Everett says whatever you need is in the “bro-chures for-sure.”
Past Gov. Ron Donkers reminded us that our Triathlon is on June 23rd, the FOUTH Saturday of June.
Trina Hoy presented Judie Meulink a check for $300 for the Lakeland Youth Chorale.
President John Sullivan thanked Greg Houlton for generously printing our club directories for FREE!
Bart Templeton is looking for greeters.
Governor Michael Fisher gave us the good news that our Indiana North District is number one in our region and highly ranked in the country.
Martin Becker invited us to the Grace College Community Wind Ensemble’s April 20th concert. It is at 7:30 p.m. at Rodeheaver. Featured are a “new” Sousa number & music from “Schindler’s List”.
Please pray for our Troops and Families: LCpl R. J. Blackwell – Marines Recon
Sergeants-at-Arms: Bob Jackson and Luke Becknell entertained us.
Everett Nifong will be a grandfather this July.
Art Gakstatter will be a grandfather again in the fall. (It still takes 9 months, this time it is Angie’s sister.)
President John Sullivan informed us that Lt. Gov. Sam Whitaker is doing well after his partial knee replacement.
Ohio State fans Past Pres. John Elliott & Pete Gano, along with Husky fan Trace Hansen tried in vain to get those whose teams lost to pay.
Past Lt. Gov. Juergen Voss was fined for the great weather we have been having. He charged a consultation fee, when asked if we would be raking leaves in July.
Past Pres. Jeff Owens was caught phoning in the words to our Creed to Art Gakstatter.
Kudos go to quick learner, William Bartol who is now a master of emailing.
Past Pres. Bob Jackson’s son won the Mental Attitude Award & his daughter won the Solid Waste District’s Essay contest.
Sheriff Bill Landrigan’s granddaughter, Kristin Quick, did very well in 3 events in a recent track meet.
Past Pres. Joel Wihebrink’s daughter, Delaney was the MVP for the YMCA Swim Team & is going to State.
Past Lt. Gov. Dr. David Haines’ grandchildren are also going to State in swimming.
President John Sullivan’s son-in-law has done very well as the pitching coach for Western Michigan University.
Steve Albertson has recently had his best results with his hobby. The new equipment paid off, just like he said it would.
President John Sullivan reported that even the people who are on one of the very few Lyle Enyeart fishing charters that result in few fish want to come back. They enjoy his stories.
Those leaving next week for Spring Break were recognized.
50/50: Gov. Michael Fisher donated his winnings for a trophy sponsorship for our Car Show!
Program: Sue Studebaker director of our Solid Waste District brought us up to date on the KC Recycling Depot at 220 S Union Street, Warsaw. Last year they have educated 3500 students, brought in 156,000 pounds of electronics, and 61,000 pounds of household chemicals. Of the household chemicals they gave 25,000 pounds back to the community.
One of the more popular programs is worm composting. Fisherman like it for the worms. Gardeners like it for the compost.
They also run an Eco-Store were the sell products made from recycled items.
Their funding comes from land fill fees and a small amount of property tax income. They strive to keep the property tax levy low. For several years they have been able to reduce the amount of property tax collected.