Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Future Dates
3/30 Kosc. Co. Comm. Foundation
4/6 Grace Village
4/13 Combined Comm. Services
4/16 Regional Oratorical Contest
4/20 KCH Cancer Center
4/27 Grace College—Nat Bosch
5/7 Respect for Law
60 Optimists & 5 guests attended our meeting:
Jack Barthel guest of Everett Nifong; Melody Ander-son guest of Ken Anderson; Dr. Craig Hintz guest of Tom Kline; Loren Dalrymple guest of Jim Bricker; Gannon Troutner guest of Art Gakstatter. Door Greeters: Fred Nieter & Tracy Funrivall. Prayer was offered by Tracy Horrell. Pledge was given to the American Flag. Promise yourself was said in uni-son. Birthday Honoree: Melody Anderson. Bill Lan-drigan led us with good results.
Prayer List: Donna Nordstrom’s recovery from sur-gery & an infection. Bill Landrigan’s brother’s surgery.
Membership: Everett Nifong read Gannon Trout-ner’s application. Past Lt. Gov. Mary Ellen Jordan inducted Kathy Kurosky. Sponsors are Art Gakstatter, & Mark Skibowski respectively.
President Joel Wihebrink thanked Tracy Horrell, Jim Hayes, & Judy Wray for their hard work on this year’s Student of the Week program.
Stonehenge Golf Outing June 16: Everett Nifong is looking for help & sponsors at the $100, $450, $1000 levels. Mike Cusick & Andy Swihart are looking for door prizes & items for the 80 goody bags. Golf is $90 per player. Brochures are available.
Trace Hansen is going to be away on his honeymoon during Spring Break Skate. More help is needed this year. Volunteers are needed to deliver tickets. This cost of this event is covered 50/50 between Trace & the club. Last year 700 kids skated free. Thanks go to Ann Sweet for printing & cutting 8000 tickets.
Contact Kevin Weaver to help with our Scholarship Committee.
Pres. Joel Wihebrink reported Past Pres. Sam Whitaker & Scott Whitaker are heading up Respect for Law – Law Enforcement in Action Day, 5/7.
Co-Chairman John Elliott reminded us our Down-town Cruise In is 5/21/11. Jim Lancaster donated $250 from Europe & challenged us to give our $25 to John Teevan for the trophies we sponsor. Trophy sponsorships are for us in lieu of selling Christmas Trees. We also need to ask our employers if they want to sponsor the show at the $100, $200, or $500 level. Green sponsorship forms are available. Those who are not on a committee need to call John to let him know which subcommittee they will work.
Past Pres. George Brennan reported a respectable outcome at last night’s Community Quiz Bowl in support of the Warsaw Education Foundation.
Pres. Joel Wihebrink announced our board donated $500 to the Claypool Elementary Library & $300 to the Kosc. Co. Youth Leadership Academy. Tony Ciriello accepted the $300 for the Youth Leadership Academy.
Video editor, Jim Hayes showed us a video of some kids ―stealing‖ a police cruiser.
Sergeants-at-Arms: Jeff Owens, Max Mock, & Dr. David Haines entertained us. Lyle Enyeart is retiring. John Sullivan is recovering from his snow goose hunt. Ot Schroeder was fined for one of his insured’s use of his pencil.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Bryan Ashton – Marines
Program: Past Lt. Gov. Ot Schroeder introduced Graduation Coaches: Amanda Scroggs, David Bai-ley, & Steve Henn who told us how they promote graduation one relationship at a time. They have raised their kids average GPAs by 62% and im-proved their attendance by 25%. Every successful student has an adult who cares about them & values education. They are this for their kids!
Big Brothers & Big Sisters are looking for more ―lunch buddy‖ mentors to help reach even more at