Wednesday, March 22, 2017

March 22, 2017

Attendance: 95


Steve Hollar


Jill Boggs and Brooke Hamstra


  1. Rick Shepherd  (Katie Wonderly)
  2. David Grant (Erica Elliott)
  3. Michelle Stovrou (Erica Elliott)
  4. Lisa Mahan (Chris Mahan)
  5. Jason Patton (Jeff Owens)
  6. Jeff Rockett (Michele Bickel)


Chris Bramlett, Tyler Miller, Ron Henry, Mickey Smethers and Marvin Miller. Happy Birthday!

Check Presentations:

  • Kosciusko Youth Leadership Academy
  • Warsaw Education Foundation
  • Kosciusko 4-H Council
  • Big Brothers, Big Sisters
  • Kosciusko Youth Soccer League

Student of the Week: Lakeland Christian Academy 


Brooke Hamstra conducted:

1st Reading:  Lisa Mahan, sponsored by Chris Mahan

Jeff Rockett, sponsored by Michele Bickel

David Gant, sponsored by Erica Elliott

Michelle Stovrou, sponsored by Erica Elliott

2nd Reading: Jason Patton, sponsored by Jeff Owens

3rd Reading: None

Induction: None


Rob Parker, Jen Kern, Brianna Tackett, Lauren Klusman – The Kosciusko Chamber of Commerce

CEO Report:

  • None

50/50: Pat Donkers

Sergeants-at-arms:  Juergen Voss and Travis McConnell entertained us.


  1. Thank You Guests & Members.
  2. Clean your tables.
  3. Like our Facebook page and share Optimist events!


Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.  -Helen Keller