Wednesday, March 21, 2012
03/24 World Compassion Network – 5K Run/Walk
03/27 American Harmony
03/28 Sue Studebaker – Solid Waste District
04/02-06 Spring Break Skate
04/04 Jamie Visker – Winona PVD Coatings
04/11 Scott Tucker – Maple Leaf Farms
04/18 Eric Lane – Fellowship Missions
04/20 Grace Wind Ensemble
04/25 Lakeland Youth Chorale
05/02 Joan Younce – Purdue Health & Human Res.
05/20 Car Show
05/23 Optimist Singers
06/06 Remnant Trust
06/07 Golf Outing at Stonehenge
06/13 Jim Reeve – Roy Rogers
06/20 Triathlon welcome bags
06/23 Triathlon
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
85 Optimists & 19 guests attended our meeting. Brenda Rigdon, Mike Bergen, Alan Alderfer, & Carson Kerlin were the guests of Rick Kerlin; Will Dawson was the guest of Jay Tate; David Cook, Abby Bultemeier, Nevin Bultemeier, Audrey Rich, Candace Rich, Owen Donahue, & Christina Park were the guests of Jeff Owens; Heather Chalfant & Jim Brennan were the guests of Deb Miller; Dan Robinson, John Miller, Scott Wiley, & Tim Nussbaum were the guests of Art Gakstatter; & Jordan Hansen was the guest of Trace Hansen.
Door Greeters: Fred Nieter & Ron Henry.
Prayer was offered by Luke Becknell.
Pledge was given to the American Flag.
Promise yourself was said in unison.
Birthday Honorees: Marvin Miller, Ron Henry, Lisa Cassel, & Owen Donahue. Dr. David Haines led us in the birthday song with our usual results.
Membership: Past President Jim Nesbitt inducted Mike Metzger. Dan Metzger sponsored Mike.
Sheriff of Attendance: Bill Landrigan & Harry Gigous greeted Greg Kralis.
Art Gakstatter shared some of the history of Spring Break Skate. It is a chance for elementary school kids to skate for free during Spring Break. The cost is covered between Trace Hansen & our club. This year Trace is providing $4.50 per skater & our club is providing $2 per skater. Ann Sweet has generously agreed to provide the tickets again this year. This is a time consuming task. Help is needed next week to hand out the 7,000 tickets to the schools.
City of Lakes Cruise In on May 20th: John Elliott is passing out a sign-up sheet for volunteers. John quoted John Crum when he said “Be There!” Please give your $25 to John Teevan. On the other hand, we are asking businesses to sponsor at the $100, $200, or $500 levels. Give the big checks to Ann Sweet. Our overall goal is to raise $10k. So far we have $3700. We need to start giving our “Christmas Tree pledges” to John Teevan.
Scott Wiley & Tim Nussbaum from Bowen Center entertained us as they presented co-chair Art Gakstatter $500 for our City of Lakes Cruise In.
Everett Nifong announced that our Golf Outing will be June 7th at Stonehenge. Brochures are out. Cost is $400 for a foursome (includes golf, cart, lunch, & driving range). Sponsorships are available at the Bronze $100, Silver $475, & Gold $1000 levels. Prize/Goody Bag items are also needed. Again, Everett says whatever you need is in the “bro-chures for-sure.”
Past Gov. Ron Donkers reminded us that our Triathlon is on June 23rd, the FOUTH Saturday of June.
Rick Kerlin presented Brenda Rigdon, Mike Bergen and Alan Alderfer a check for $2000 for the Riley Kids Fund. Rick said around $38,000 was raised at the Radio-A-Thon for Riley Families. He thanked those who worked it.
Jay Tate presented a check for $500 to Will Dawson for Wagon Wheel Theatre’s scholarships to their Young Actors Workshops.
Past Pres. George Brennan reported that our teams scored higher than Metzger Trucking in the “I want my M-TV” section of the Warsaw Education Foundation Quiz Bowl. Our M-TV experts were Past Lt. Gov. Denny Andrews & George Brennan. Many thanks go to our own Mitch Goon for heading up theWarsaw Education Foundation.
Bart Templeton is looking for greeters.
Past Lt. Gov. Denny Andrews invited us to the Grace College Community Wind Ensemble’s April 20thconcert. It is at 7:30 p.m. at Rodeheaver.
Please pray for our Troops and Families: Jonathan Peng – Army – Tank Btl
Sergeants-at-Arms: Bob Jackson, Luke Becknell & Jim Nesbitt entertained us.
Ken Zortman is a proud grandfather.
Joe Wilkey invited us to participate in World Compassion Network’s 5K Run/Walk on March 24.
President John Sullivan informed us that Lt. Gov. Sam Whitaker will have a partial knee replacement March 23rd.
Past Lt. Gov. Dr. David Haines invited us to see the movie “American Harmony” at 5:45 p.m. on March 27 at Trinity United Methodist Church.
Coach Jim Kessler showed us who to measure a basketball player for height. You measure the height of the shoulders, since that is where the arms go up in the air. Our winner is Richard Tuttle. Elbows were not measured.
50/50: Everett Nifong won $24.50.
Program: Past President Jeff Owens thanked Heather Chalfant, Jim Brennan, Nick Deeter, Past President George Brennan, & Past President John Elliott for sponsoring our Oratorical Contest.
Jeff introduced us to participants: Christina Park, Abby Bultemeier, Audrey Rich, & Owen Donahue. Our winners Audrey Rich and Owen Donahue recited their speeches about how optimism helps them overcome obstacles.
Audrey told of how she has changed her aunt’s terminal illness from being a challenge to her personal life to a chance to mature.
She has taken on more responsibilities. She realizes her parents have less time now that they are helping her aunt.
Audrey is building stronger relationships. She has reached out to her cousin to interact with her in a caring and fun way. She realizes her cousin’s burden & is helping to carry that load.
She is interacting with her aunt in love and joy to build positive memories at this difficult time.
Owen told of how he has used his grandfather’s optimism and drive to inspire him to persevere and make his own future. His grandfather lost a hand in War. After rehabilitation he found it hard to find work. When he did find work, he threw himself at his work and excelled at it. When his grandfather retired his employer had to hire 2 people to do the work he had done.
Owen is a swimmer. The butterfly stroke is very difficult to master. You have to propel your head & chest out of the water to make it work. Owen has worked to become stronger over 6 years to be able to do the butterfly stroke.
Owen realized the middle school chess club had disbanded while he was in grade school. He started a thriving chess club. When he realized as a home schooled student he would not be eligible to compete, he became a chess coach.
Owen does not worry about circumstances, he makes his own success.
The future is bright because we have such mature young people.