Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Upcoming Events:


3/25-WCS CAO/David Robertsen


4/1-Chiropractic/Sarah Masterson

4/8-History of Circus Program/Jim Reeve

4/15-Friends of WCS & Boys Track & Field-Coach Matt Thacker

4/22-Warsaw Parks/Liz McKinley & Girls Tennis-Rick Orban

4/29-Mayor Thallemer & Softball-Coach Jim Speicher 


President Rick Kerlin led our meeting. 

92 Optimists & guests: 

  • Randy Polston’s son.
  • Carla Carlson–guest of Lyle Enyeart.
  • Kris Shipley-guest of Juergen Voss.
  • Adam Reed-guest of George Brennan.
  • Dan & Tess Graney-guest of Scott Whitaker.
  • Mason, Jocelyn & Addison Whitaker-guests and children of Scott Whitaker.
  • Ian Wihebrink-guest and son of Joel Wihebrink.
  • Richard Rooker-guest of Jeff Owens.
  • Warsaw High School Students of the Week:
    • Jacob Meulink
    • Joshua Miller
    • Emali Grose
    • Nick Light
    • Elizabeth Yeiter
    • Bailey Hammel
    • Rachel Smith
    • Gabby Aguirre
    • Elizabeth Brown
    • Nicholas DiVacarro 

Door Greeters: Frank Groves. 

Prayer:  Dave Haines. 

Pledge was given to the American flag. 

Promise yourself was said in unison. 

Hail to Optimism was sung in unison. 

Birthday Honorees:  Tyler Miller, Ron Henry, Toni Derry, Mickey Smethers, and Marv Miller.  Happy Birthday! 

Check Presentation:  Mitch Reinholt presented a check in the amount of $500 to Tony Ciriello for KYLA. 


Mike Cox conducted:

  • 2nd Reading:
    • Kris Shipley-sponsored by Juergan Voss. 

Committee Reports:

  • Jeff Owens announced the Oratorical District Contest will be March 22nd at 1pm.
  • Car Show will be in May 17th this year. 



  • Riley Radio Days-March 26 & 27th 6-9am sign up sheet.
  • New Finance Committee will consist of Doug Baumgardner, George Brennan, Mitch Reinholt and Akash Jain. The Board of Directors has reformed the Finance Committee to oversee the collection of dues for the club.  Beginning April 1, 2015 billing cycle the finance committee will be contacting members who are delinquent after 60 days.  If you are not receving your invoices for dues please contact one of the members of the finance committee to resolve the issue.  To receive a complete copy of the dues collection policy you may contact any member of the Finance Committee.                     
  • Warsaw Education Foundation-Community Quiz Bowl will be on Tuesday, March 17th at 7pm WCHS Tiger Den. They are in need of proctors.  Contact George Brennan for more information.
  • George Brennan gave a recap of the Quiz Bowl event.
  • Everett Nifong is asking for Nominations for the Nominating Committee. The term will begin in November.  Please let him know if you have a nomination.
  • Please add to your safe sender email list!
  • Are you on Facebook, be sure you go to our page ( and “Like Us.”


50/50:  Frank Groves was the winner of the $24 pot this morning!


CEO Report:

Jenna Secrist announced:  Ken Anderson.

Ken has been a members since September 1990.  He is married to his wife, Beth, and they have 3 kids and lots of grandkids.  His pet is pet lake.  His occupation was Ken Anderson Films and now is intercom non-profit.  He enjoys walking around Warsaw in his spare time.  He has lived in Warsaw for 9 and ½ years.  His burning desire is to win people to the Lord.  Something nobody knows about him is that he has top secret clearance in the Army Security Agency.  His keys to success are not speaking with your mouth full and coming to club every week!  He said every week is a good Optimist Memory for him.  Ken’s honors include perfect attendance for 24 years, Optimist of the Year and he is an Army Veteran.  Thank you for sharing Ken, we appreciate you as a Club Essential Optimist! 

Sergeants-at-Arms:  Jeff and Steve entertained us:


  • $1 Charge:
    • Don Kenipe-dime from R. Wayne Snyder.
    • Scott Whitaker-humble dad.
    • Ron Chambers for his wife proctoring and helping the Quiz Bowl.
    • Hoffert for not changing the date of Graduation.



  • $Optimistic $1:
    • James Nesbit-Graduate student lyric.
    • Doug Ogle for having two of his students present at the club meeting today along with their daughter.
    • Bill Landrigan for his granddaughter being an intern at Haiti and for her love of the children.
    • Akash for his daughters sweater project efforts.


  • 5 Things You Need To Know about….
    • Larry Bishop:
      • Kentucky/Field = Kentucky.
      • Have you ever drank green beer = Yes.
      • Why does Chicago dye the river green = to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.
      • Who is the #1 seed in NCAA men’s and women’s brackets = Lea.
      • Old Miss/BYU = Old Miss. 


The winners of the local Oratorical Contest, Giana Hochstetler and Daniel Messenger, presented their speeches this morning.  Two very talented kids that did an amazing job!  They will be performing again this weekend at the District Contest on Sunday.  Good luck to both of you!



  • Invite a Guest.
  • Clean up tables.
  • Next Week’s Program: WCS CAO-David Robertsen.
  • Quote: “Optimist: Person who travels on nothing from nowhere to happiness.” –Mark Twain.