Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Upcoming Programs:
3/23-Oratorical Contest Winners
3/30-WCS CAO/David Robertsen
4/6-History of Scouting/Jim Reeve
4/13-SORE/Tim Meyer
4/20-Historical Museum/Dan Coplen
4/27-A.C.T.S./Clark Shepherd
Call To Order @ 7:00am
Invocation by: Doug Baumgardner.
Greeters: Eric Lane & Rich Haddad.
- Thomas Rusinack-guest of Coach Kessler.
- Chris Bramlet-guest of Rick Kerlin.
- Lauren Byers-guest of Jennifer Kerns.
- Andrew Heckaman-guest and brother of Adam Heckaman.
Student of the Week-WCHS Troy Akers
- Jeremy David
- Noah Marshall
- Lilyana Ortega
- Mary McGrath
- Abigail Wilson
- Bradley Fletcher
- Logan Wulitich
- Zoe Wilman-Rogers
- Wilson Secaur
Birthdays: Randy Polston, Tyler Miller, Toni Derry & Ron Henry.
Membership by Pam Galloway
- Jordan Foreman(Sam Whitaker)-2nd
- Chris Bramlett(Rick Kerlin)-3rd
- Patrick Haas(Travis Mcconnell)-2nd
Committee Reports:
- Oratorical- Jeff Owens, will give an update next week when speakers are present. Jeff recognized the members who helped make the event successful.
- Nominating/Election-Rick Kerlin announced elections are coming soon.
- Car Show-Jenny Lucht said they need door prizes.
- Community Quiz Bowl-George Brennan thanked all of the club members who participated, they had 55 teams this year.
Check Presentation-none this week.
50/50-Andrew O’Connell is the winner this week. Tim Hamman won the restaurant gift card.
Program: Allen Holt from REAL Services.
- Next Week: Oratorical Contest Winners.
- Thank You Guests & Speaker.
- Clean your tables, have an optimistic week.
“If you want something you never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.”
Thanks and have an Optimist Week!